Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Julia's MLK Day Pledge

Julia brought this classwork home the other day:

"I can make the world a better plase by not litoring."

I love the sentiment, Jules!  I also love the suspense of the drawing she did: a girl is standing by a trash can, looking somewhat solemn, holding a piece of garbage.  Will she or won't she throw it in the trash?  Or will she litor?  I can see the weight of the moral decision upon the girl's face.  (I also really like the fact that Julia is starting to experiment with more advanced facial features in her drawings.  Although I'll miss her cute little dot eyes and semi-circle smiling mouths.)

One thing I find amusingly ironic, however, is the choice of not litoring as Julia's good deed.  One of the items on Auntie Shannon's task list that Julia has yet to master is remembering to throw her wrappers away.  So we have not even conquered "not litoring" within our own house.  But, hey, good intentions, right?  I'm sure we'll eventually move from having the mere intention of not litoring to actually picking up the piece of trash and throwing it in the garbage, don't you think??

Another way in which Julia is making MY world better is by providing me with plenty of new music in our household.  This morning, before school, Julia was an on-the-spot composer, as well as singer, as she played with the Barbie dollhouse.

While I wish I could have captured all of her songs on video, I can at least provide you with a few masterpieces from this morning:

Boxes, boxes, glorious biloxes! 
A floor, a floor, I'd rather be a floor!  (Well, maybe it would be not that comfortable...)

1 comment:

  1. That was my EXACT thought about Julia's MLK day resolution!!
