Saturday, January 18, 2014

Outfits and Artwork

Auntie Caitlyn suggested this blog needs a "The Many Fashion Statements of Madeleine Rowe" posting, so here is a great collection of the various styles Madeleine has been sporting lately:

Does this kid have an innate sense of high fashion or WHAT?

And what better to pair along with Madeleine's colorful and eclectic clothing style than a recent selection of her free art?

According to Madeleine, this is a picture of the My Little Pony Rarity.  While she may look as if she's been hypnotized by some sort of demonic power, Rarity is simply expressing her delight over the fact that "This looks really Christmasy."

Madeleine next decided to draw Pinkie Pie:
The original text, as requested by Madeleine, was something along the lines of "Ah!  Wait a sec.  This is HOGWARTS!  Jingle bells, jingle bells, fa la la la laaa, la la la la.  Merry Christmas!  Three cheers for Christmas!"

I decided to shorten the message as I spelled words for her, for the sake of both of our time.  The text still makes about just as much sense in its abbreviated version as it made in full, don't you think?

Madeleine describes her above drawing as:

"It's a princess and then it's Ginny.  Um, um, they're turning RED, because of Ginny's Red Power that made the REAL princess get all red and be hot forever."

So.  Ginny is turning the princess red and hot forever.  Hmm.  Kind of like she's casting the princess into the flames of Hell.  Madeleine, you yourself are the princess of creepy imagery, that's for sure.

Wondering what these voo-doo mummies might be?  Madeleine explains.
"Oh, it's a girl that is turning into ice, and she's saying, 'Oh, this one looks a little too much banded.  So I'm gonna try to FIX it,' and then she turns into ICE and does this: (standing frozen.)  The brown thing is something that you hang CLOTHES on.  So, so, so they won't get messed up."

And finally, there is the portrait that Madeleine made at school of this lovely girl with earrings.  I especially dig the use of various shapes throughout the girl's face.  It's like a piece of cool, geometrical modern art:

Julia has moved beyond the days of outrageous outfits, and has become quite the stylish first-grader:

Similarly, her own art and writing work has become more sophisticated, especially her poetry.  And you will all be glad to know that she was able to triumph over the disaster that was her Aurora boreiols poetic attempt.  Here, on a new, clean piece of paper, Julia was able to recreate her title and add a poem and illustration:

Arora Boreiolos
When its in the sky
I know no one will cry

Now THAT was moving.  If only I could see an arora boreiolos. I'd LOVE it if no one will cry!


  1. Haha - that first outfit is perfect! Julia sure has become a stylish 1st grader! She's more stylish than her 28 year old Auntie!

    And you mean Madeleine's picture of "These are blue water sprays that are not from the Lorax they're from APTH" picture didn't get a feature??

  2. The self portrait is very reminiscent of Picasso...
