Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More (Very) Creepy Art

We now have more than one budding author in the house!  Madeleine is working on a book, and she has stayed true to her incredibly creepy artistic style.  I posted the first few pages on facebook last night, but for those of you who have not yet seen (or who just want to see them again), here they are:

I don't even know what to say about the above.  According to Ethan, who was home while Madeleine drew these pictures, the spiky haired, all-red creature on the left-side picture is "Daddy as a hot dog!"  Knowing that information does not AT ALL allay my feelings of creeped-outed-ness about these drawings, however.

Today, Madeleine continued her book, creating the following oh-so-spine-tingling artistic masterpieces:

Okay.  First of all, it's very sweet that the first thing that Madeleine wrote is "I love Mom."  But the combination of this person having no eyes and nose, and seeming stuck in some sort of brown evil freezing potion, with the words "I love Mom.  StopStop Mom" is reeeeeeeally creepy to me.  I mean, I understand that Madeleine was just writing words she actually knows how to spell (we have done a lot of work lately with spelling both "love" and "stop"), but OH MY GOD, this soul-less, face-less child with a wide open, screaming mouth is going to HAUNT ME FOREVER!  JUST LET HER GO, MOM!  PLEASEPLEASE MOM!

Oh my.  So.  How is it that even when Madeleine draws a SMILE instead of a SCREAMING O-MOUTH, her creature is still totally, bone-chillingly freaky?!?  I am so scared of this robot-human with an electronically pulsating orange in place of a heart.  What is it even doing?!?  Why are its eyes gazing heavenward instead of at the viewer?  (Though, come again, I might pee my pants if it was staring directly at me.)  And what are all those little orange drawings surrounding Evil Robot-Man??  They scare me.  Perhaps even more than Evil Robot-Man does.

Just.  What?  What is this?  A virulent bacteria seen under a microscope?  A near-to-exploding cosmic entity?  All I know is that when Madeleine STARTED drawing this picture, it was of a mountain and all the little people atop the mountain.  How it became this fiery orb of DEATH is beyond me.

According to Madeleine, the text that accompanies this picture is: "We make the world's BIGGEST, GIANTEST balloon!"  All I can say is: if I saw that balloon floating around in the sky, I would RUN FOR MY LIFE in the opposite direction.  It's like the giant Pillsbury Dough Boy from Ghostbusters.  I'm scared for humanity, should that balloon get released into the sky.

And, finally, a nice cheery picture of a very tall Christmas tree.  Except: why is the treetop angel lying DEAD with her head spiked against the the top branch?!?  Madeleine tried explaining it to me: "So, Mama, they're still PUTTING the angel ON the tree, so that's why she's SIDEWAYS."  That doesn't help, Madeleine.  I will be forever creeped out by the vision of this broken-necked, ghoul-angel.  WHY IS HER HEAD AT THAT ANGLE?!?

Aaaanyways...a brand new, jolly Christmas book from the Rowe household, folks.  Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

1 comment:

  1. Yiayia loves Madeleine's drawings. Move over Stephen King, a young budding author is about to replace you!! XOXO, Yiayia. P.S. I can't believe that at 4, she is trying to animate her drawings. That's amazing. Maybe I should say just wait, Disney!!
