Monday, December 23, 2013

Jesus and His Hairstyle

The other night, Madeleine expressed her disappointment over being a child of this era rather than of Jesus'.

MADELEINE: (lamenting) But Maaamaa.  Why don't WE get to see Jesus?
ME: Well, Jesus lived a long, long time ago.  Like, more than two thousand years ago.  So you were born WAY after Jesus died.
MADELEINE: But Mom.  I just REALLY, REALLY wish I could see what Jesus looks like!  Because...I don't know what kind of HAIRSTYLE he wears, because...sometimes they show a French braid that goes down his back.
ME: Oh.  Well, you know, the pictures we see are just a guess of what Jesus might have looked like.  Jesus lived so, so long ago that there were no cameras or anything that could show us what anything looked like.
MADELEINE: But Mom?  How did Jesus SEE anything if there were no people and no animals?

Okay.  Nope.  JESUS was the one who was born in the manger.  GOD was the one who made life out of blackness.  Jesus could see.  I know, I know, it's confusing, especially since Madeleine is being told that Jesus and God are one and the same.  But the stories of Creation and the Nativity are separated by, oh, I don't know, a few billion years??

At any rate, Auntie Caitlyn came to the rescue for Madeleine, showing her a plethora of computer images of Jesus.  The images ranged from icons to Renaissance paintings to the actor who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ.  Madeleine immediately wanted her own picture of Jesus to have and to hold, so as she stared at the computer images in fascination, her Auntie Caitlyn attempted to draw a picture of Jesus.

Aww, how nice of Auntie Caitlyn, right?  

Wrong!  REJECTED. 

Madeleine grabbed a green crayon and began scribbling over Auntie Caitlyn's Jesus face, exclaiming, "No, no, no, that's NOT Jesus!"

Reject Jesus

Madeleine then grabbed the brown crayon out of Auntie Caitlyn's hand and got to work on her own Jesus, carefully studying the computer image as she slowly and diligently attempted to copy it by hand.  Behold, Madeleine's finished Jesus:

I can see why Madeleine scribbled out Auntie Caitlyn's Jesus.  Madeleine's Jesus looks WAY more like the real deal than her auntie's did.

1 comment:

  1. Hers really does far surpass mine (especially since she insisted I was drawing Mary). I think you can really see the resemblance when compared against the original image:
