Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Art

Christmas artwork and songs are abundant in the Rowe household!  Of their own accord, the girls decided to drawn holiday-themed free art together.  Julia's is full of jolly seasonal cheer:

While Madeleine's combines Christmas tradition with her own creepy little hieroglyphics and scrawlings:

Madeleine also created a second Christmas picture, complete with ghoul-faced gingerbread and much, much more:

In addition to the gingerbread demon man, Madeleine has drawn, up top, from right to left: a flower, a mermaid who lost part of her Christmas tail, and: "I...um...I was trying to draw...a...a...a...a...a...a...Christmas...um...um...um...um... um...um...a Christmas thing that is RED AND WHITE."

ME: A candy cane?
MADELEINE: Um, yes.  I was trying to draw a candy cane, but...(face drooping) but it didn't come OUT.

This is literally the face she had on while she told me her sob story.  As in: I took her picture while she talked to me:

Madeleine made one final piece of Christmas artwork at school today: or, I should say, she made one more piece that she can TELL ME ABOUT.  The other artwork is top secret.

MADELEINE: Mama!  I made a wreath:

MADELEINE: But Mama?  I don't want to TELL you about the other thing...because...the teachers told us NOT to. 

I wonder what it could be. Is it possible she could have made me the thing that she made me last year at preschool, and that Julia also made me while at preschool??:

I know.  No way, right?  Her own hand-drawn hand-wreath isn't a dead give-away or anything.  Neither is the green paint all over her dress.

At any rate, both kids have also been singing carol after carol around the house, although Madeleine is still a bit lacking in the lyrics department. 

Here is her rendition of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town":

A+ for effort!  Especially with the addition of spasmodic dancing along with the vocals.  No doubt Santa Claus is coming to town, after a performance like that one!

1 comment:

  1. Her spastic movements throughout that whole video - i yie yie.

    Also - I'm sure you knew that wreath would be really good given all the practice she had making sure she could draw one above the heater!
