Monday, December 30, 2013

More Random Musings

Random things Madeleine has said to us today:


MADELEINE: (earnestly) Daddy?  Today at the Y, I saw TWO people that I know., and his sister GRACE.  But when I did NOT see them there yet, I was playing ALONE, playing Harry Potter, by MYSELF, and I was saying "Expelliarmus, Expelliarmus!" running around over and over again.


MADELEINE: Mommy?  I always think that you can CUT the POTTY SEAT out of the bathroom, and if I'm NOT in a place where there's a TOILET in it, you can just CUT the potty seat out of the bathroom and...and...and PUT it wherever I'm SITTING.  Yeah.  (suddenly frantic) Uh, Mommy, uh, I reeeeeeally need to go pee!  (leaping up from the floor and running towards the bathroom.)


MADELEINE:  Mama?  I think the baby at the Y was crying because I was saying "BASKILISK!" to everyone.
ME: Oh, do you think the baby got scared when she heard you talking about a basilisk?
MADELEINE: Well, I think she just HEARD what I was saying.  Like, I was just running around saying: "BASKILISK!" and isn't that kind of LOUD?  And kind of SCARY?  And...what about SKELETONS?
ME: Mmm-hmm.  They're scary too.
MADELEINE:  Yeah.  But...if I see REAL, ALIVE robot skeletons, I try to RUN away, looks FROSTED!

And, perhaps the creepiest, on several levels:


MADELEINE: Mama?  Is it kind of like the CVS?
ME: Is what kind of like the CVS?
MADELEINE: The hospital.
ME: Uh, no, the hospital is not like the CVS.
MADELEINE: No, but is the hospital kind of like the CVS?
ME: No, the hospital is very different from the CVS.
MADELEINE: But I mean the hospital that you go to when they try to fix you up better when you're DEAD.
ME: Well, you don't usually go to the hospital when you're dead.  If someone is very injured, or very sick, they might go to the hospital to see doctors who can help them right away to get better.
MADELEINE: What is very sick or very injured?
ME: Well, do you remember how I had to go to the hospital when I got my burn?  (I figured she really didn't remember, seeing as she was still under two when that happened.)
MADELEINE: Yeah.  From the coffee.
ME: That's right!
MADELEINE:  But where was it?
ME: Where was the burn?  Or the coffee?
MADELEINE: Where was the coffee when it fell on you?
ME: It was on the table, and I knocked it off into my lap.
MADELEINE: And Mama.  Weren't you wearing a tank top and shorts?
ME: I was.  How did you remember?
MADELEINE: Well Mama.  I remember that you went "UGGGH!" and then you had to get into the BATH, but the bath wasn't making your burn go AWAY.

I seriously can't believe she remembers this in such detail.  It must have been as traumatic for her as it was for me.  Or, perhaps traumatic isn't the right word.

MADELEINE: Yeah.  Because Mama.  Do you know what's stuck in my head?  "UGGGH!"  Yeah.  That's what's stuck in my head.
ME: Oh, really?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Because Mama.  Don't you think "UGGGGH!" is a really FUNNY sound that you made??

So.  Yeah.  Traumatic...OR hilarious.  Whatever it was has made sure to embed the incident of my flesh being burned off into her mind.  Sheesh.  No wonder her artwork is so visually creepy.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even think of words to respond to with this. Especially the 3rd one.
