Saturday, May 11, 2013

Poem Book and More

In the past few days, Julia has added to her Emily fan-club artwork, creating more pictures for her walls, as well as several paper fans with Emily's name written all over them.  Because Madeleine is not allowed to share in any of the Emily-loving fun, Julia has very pointedly made Madeleine several fans with the name "Dani" on them, therefore allowing Madeleine to love the OTHER little girl in "Hocus Pocus" (and the one who happens to be the main character, for that matter.)

This morning, as we sat around the breakfast table, Julia hollered out, "Whoooo thinks I should write a new POEM booook?" 

We all obligingly raised our hands, so Julia got started.

You are NEVER going to guess what her poem book is called:

Contrary to the title, this is less a book of powums than simply a re-telling of the plot of "Hocus Pocus," complete with drawings.

Powum 1:

"Find Her"
"the wichis have takin Emily so Thakery gose to find her then the wichis put a spell on him.  Emily was gone for evre."
Woah.  SO poetic.

Powum 5:
"Oh No!"
"The wichis came back from thaer grav.  Dany, Alasinn and Max had to fite them what wood they do?"
I like the symbolism in this powum.  The substitute spelling of "wood" for "would" clearly signifies the power of the magical broomstick, wouldn't you say??

Now, I'm really digging this drawing of Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker, but my one complaint is that they don't look *quite* menacing enough for evil witches.  Julia may need to refer to Madeleine's drawings to get a sense of how to make things look super-creepy.

Like this Madeleine product:
I'm not even sure *what* this is a picture of, but I'm totally scared of everyone in this drawing.

Then there's Madeleine's rendering of Thackery and Emily Binx, in which you can see that clearly the underworld has not treated them well:

Even Madeleine decided to take a break from "Hocus Pocus" mania today, although there was no rest for Julia and her Emily Binx obsession.  After the girls finished watching "Barbie and the Pink Shoes," Madeleine was ready to go into ballerina mode, donning a leotard and ballet flats from the dress-up bin.

MADELEINE: Julia, let's play a game called Meggin and Lacey and-
JULIA: Wait!  Can I be EMILY?
MADELEINE: Uh, yes.  You can be Emily, and I'm Lacey.
JULIA: Or you can be Dani!
MADELEINE: Uh, no, I'm Lacey.  Julia, this is a DIFFERENT game.  It's not "Hocus Pocus."

Emily Binx and Lacey

I have been bombarded with "Hocus Pocus" re-enactments from both kids over the past few weeks, but I never realized that Emily turns into a mermaid.

Maybe she got tired of being a ghost.

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