Monday, November 26, 2012

Back to School

Julia was excited to get back to school today and report on all the events of the holiday weekend.  Specifically, she was extremely excited to tell everyone that she's NOT FIVE anymore.  It seems that reporting on the weekend was also part of the school day activities in class, as she came home with some school work describing her Thanksgiving dinner:

Thanks to Julia's drawings and descriptions, the class now knows that we had a feast of trke, pie, muchroom, and bed.  While we all certainly did have bed over Thanskgiving weekend, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Julia actually is referring to bread in this picture.

Julia also told me, on our walk home from school, that the kindergarteners had to do their usual Monday project of drawing a picture of something fun they had done over the weekend, and sounding out the words to caption the picture.  (You may recall the "rlcr" that Julia drew and wrote about back in September.)  Julia shared what she made in today's picture as we strolled home.

JULIA: Mama?  Well, I already did "go to the bagel store" on another day, so this time I did "go to church," even though that's not SO exciting.

Interesting that the two options that sprang to mind were the bagel store and church.  Nothing else occurred to her, such as, say, her birthday trip to the zoo, or attending her friend's Build-a-Bear party, or putting up our Christmas tree, or, hey, even celebrating Thanksgiving.  Nope.  The most memorable parts of the weekend, in Julia's mind, were going to the bagel store and going to church.  Apparently Julia likes to portray a day in the life in the *most* everyday sense when she does her Monday project.   

Meanwhile, Madeleine remains her usual self, full of random and unexpected commentary throughout the day.  A few examples...

MADELEINE: Mommy, I want some milkie!
ME: You've had enough milk.  How about a juice box?
MADELEINE: Oh!  Yes!  (grabbing a juice box from the fridge, and pointing to the Sesame Street characters printed on the front.)  Oh, look!  It's Ernie and Burp!

(And speaking of burping)...

ME: (vacuuming the living room rug)
MADELEINE: What's THAT sound?
ME: What do you mean?  Do you mean the vacuum?
MADELEINE: But why is the vacuum BURPING like that?

MADELEINE: (applying her cherry lip balm) Mommy?  Can I kiss you?
ME: Sure!  (leaning my cheek towards her)
MADELEINE: Uh...Mommy, I don't want to kiss you, because I just put some POISONOUS cherries on my lips and you don't want to get POISONOUS!

And finally, the comment Madeleine absolutely felt the need to make to Julia's kindergarten friend, who is over for a play-date after school today:

MADELEINE: Um, one time...I had a WEDGIE!

Fortunately, my attempts to quickly change the subject were completely thwarted by Madeleine, who instead decided to yell the same comment repeatedly, getting louder and louder to try and drown out the sound of my voice as I aimed to talk about other matters.

Okay.  Time to go pick Madeleine's wedgie.  Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Courtney. I YIE YIE THAT KID!!! Poisonous cherries?!?!

    Also Julia's picture broke my heart. That's a pretty good pie she did this time...though I still think her dead turkey is better. And I also love her muchroom.
