Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Julia's Musings

Since Session Two of swim lessons is underway, Julia is getting to know the new kids who are in her class this session.  One of the girls who joined this session is CLEARLY much older than the other kids in the Level 1 group; not only is she at least a foot taller than the other younger kids, but her developing chest suggests she's at a whole different stage of life than five-year-olds.  However, Julia did not seem to notice the dichotomy in the least, simply assuming classes are structured by age rather than ability.

ME: Julia, do you know why there's a girl in your swim class who's so much older than you?  Did she just never learn to swim?
JULIA: Uh, no Mama, I think she's just TALL.
ME: But she looks like she's a lot older than the other kids.
JULIA: Well, maybe she might be SIX... maybe you can be in Level 1 if you're five OR six.
ME: Oh, okay.  I just thought she looked older.
JULIA: Well, Mama, I think she's five like me but she's just TALL.

Luckily, the whole situation was clarified today; apparently during swim class, teacher and kids alike divulged their ages.  Julia announced to me as we piled into the car after her lesson: "So, Mama!  That tall girl in my swim lessons said she's ELEVEN!"  Yeah, that sounds more like it.

I think she must have had ages on the brain, because as we were getting ready to drive home, Julia suddenly announced to me, "Mom, do you know why I think it would be fun to be a teenager?  Because your skin is soft like when you're a little kid, but then when you get to be a grown-up you have, like, wrinkles and stuff."

While I am thrilled that she is treasuring her childhood rather than aching to be an adult too quickly, I am not sure how I feel about being an old, wrinkled grown-up in her eyes.

I wonder if she imagines herself to be a teenager when she rocks out singing her Goldens songs.  Here's her newest composition, "Day of the Dates":

I have literally had this in my head for the past 12 hours. DAAAAAY! Day of the Dates! What do ya think of an HONOR!


  1. Oh Julia...if wrinkles and stuff were what you had to deal with when you were a teenage that would make being a teenage so much better!

    1. Mmmmm....sounds a bit like the opening "Day Oh, Me say da a a a y oh. Wonder if she even knows that song exists. Love it and especially regarding the "honor." Soon, she'll be composing her songs and putting them up on Youtube! XOXOXO, Love, Yiayia

  2. Yeah. Teenagers in general are known to have really good skin. So I can see where she's coming from.
