Friday, July 27, 2012

Community Band in Concert

Last night, I performed with my town's community concert band, and Ethan and the girls sat in the audience.  I have to say I was thrilled with the behavior of both kids; sitting still in an auditorium for an hour and a half is not easy at their age.  The concert was actually scheduled to be outside on the town field, which means the kids get to run rampant and the adults can sit and listen to the music; a perfect set-up.  However, due to a forecast for rain (which never came to fruition, after all), the band was moved indoors.  So it really was a treat for me to look out into the audience and see two obedient little pumpkin heads barely reaching above the seats in front of them, hands clapping to join in the applause. 

Of course, this doesn't mean there were absolutely NO distractions from my kids.  Madeleine's most prominent disruption occurred shortly after intermission, when she suddenly decided it was imperative that she get up on stage to "go see Mommy" right that instant.  I didn't know the specifics of her desires at the time, though I could very clearly hear her insistent, pipsqueak voice resonating through the auditorium, repeating with increasing urgency, "I want to.  I want to.  I WANT to.  I WANT TO.  I WAAAANT TOOO!!"  After a brief, emergency fleeing of the concert hall to quiet her down, Ethan was able to bring Madeleine back inside the auditorium to enjoy the rest of the concert.  Apparently her desire to go see me was trumped by her heartbreak over the fact that she was separated from Julia, who sat diligently in her seat in the audience throughout the whole Madeleine fiasco.

Julia remained quiet through the whole concert, deciding to be disruptive only once the whole affair had ended.  But before I can address her explosive, joyful outburst as she approached me, I must first update you on some news.  Brace yourselves:

For some inexplicable reason, I am no longer Quee-Quaw.

For some (even MORE inexplicable) reason, I am now Quaw-Quee Clark.

So as the concert band greeted their loved ones who approached the stage after our final song, Julia gleefully pranced up towards me, bellowing out, "HIIII, QUAW-QUEE CLARK!"

ME: Hi, Jules!
ME: I heard you.  You're a goose.
JULIA: (glancing around to see who was paying attention)  But you're QUAW-QUEE CLARK!
ME: Yes, I heard you.
JULIA: (looking around to try and grab the attention of anyone nearby who hadn't heard her great nickname)  YOUR NAME IS QUAW-QWEE CLARK!

*Just in case* you missed it, let me make it clear: My name is now Quaw-Quee Clark. 

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