Friday, July 6, 2012

Bravery and Signs

Yesterday afternoon, Ethan, Caitlyn and I took the kids to the movies to see "Brave."  Both girls seemed to really enjoy it, although given that a big black bear is a major character throughout most of the movie, Madeleine spent the majority of the time pulling my arms around her and holding on with a death grip, cheek pressed tightly against mine.  As everyone knows, there is a very real threat of a bear coming out of the movie screen and eating you when you're not being held tightly by your mom.  But so long as your mom has her arms around you, it offers a protective spell against bears or ANYTHING ELSE that's scary.

For someone so young, Madeleine has a surprisingly good comprehension of the plot lines and characters in tv shows and movies that she watches.  (In other words, when she's in her complete zombie zone-out mode, staring agape at the television screen, she is truly devoting her full attention to following what's going on.)  With a more complex movie like "Brave," I wasn't sure how much she understood, but she surprised me with a much clearer comprehension of the overall storyline than I expected.

ME: Madeleine, what were you scared of in the movie?

At this point, I wanted to find out if she actually understood that the bear was really the main character's mother, turned into a bear by a deceptive magic spell, so I began to quiz her on the movie.

ME: Madeleine, who was the bear, really?
(CORRECT ANSWER: Merida's mother)

Bingo.  She gets a point for that one.

ME: And what was the name of the girl in the movie?
MADELEINE: Uh... Medida.

Given that all of the characters spoke in a heavy Scottish brogue, I'll give her a point for this one, since the rolled "R" in Merida could conceivably perceived as a "D."

ME: Madeleine, what did Merida give her mom to eat, that turned her into a bear?
MADELEINE: Uh... a cake.

Ding ding ding!  Just as I was starting to marvel over how well Madeleine understood the whole concept of the movie, I threw a real stumper her way.

ME: And where did Merida get the cake from?
MADELEINE: Uh... uh... from the TOASTER!

Nope.  Not even close.

Julia proved her own self brave not just at the movie, but also at swim lessons today.  She reached a huge milestone and actually jumped off the diving board - TWICE!  Unfortunately, my cell phone took a very blurry, shoddy picture, but I can assure you that the reddish blob flailing through the air in this photo is indeed Julia:

Speaking of Julia, she has been concocting all sorts of crazy plans for a slumber party with Auntie Caitlyn, the latest of which involves making a fort out of blankets and chairs in the living room, sitting underneath and watching Halloween movies, ultimately staying up all night together.  While I have nixed the idea, she is still stealthily looking for ways to have her Auntie Caitlyn slumber party.  Unfortunately, last night's slumber party plan didn't quite work out, as she conked out vertically on her bed before Auntie Caitlyn was able to get up there with her, leaving Auntie Caitlyn stuck on the couch for the evening.  Julia had been eagerly awaiting her auntie, and was totally and utterly disappointed to discover me coming into her room after my band rehearsal to give her a kiss and say good-night.

ME: Honey, it's 9:00.  You really need to go to sleep.
JULIA: But I'm waiting for Auntie Caitlyn!
ME: Well, she's not quite ready to go to bed yet. 
JULIA: But how much longer until she comes?
ME: Probably about an hour or so.  You need to try and fall asleep BEFORE she gets up here.
JULIA: But Mom, why did you come in here?  Didn't you SEE the SIGNS on my door?
ME: Yeah, I saw them - I saw you hung some pictures on your door.  They look great!
JULIA: No, but Mom, if you SAW them, then why didn't you FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS?
ME: What do you mean?
JULIA: (exasperated at her dunce of a mother) Mom!  The signs say "Keep out unless you're AUNTIE CAITLYN!" 

Going outside for a second look, I can see why Julia was annoyed at my clueless entry.  I mean, it doesn't get much clearer than big, jumbled kid-written letters in rainbow crayon:

And just in case there was any confusion in interpreting her sign, she helpfully added a second notice:

You must wonder what kind of a fool would not immediately know what her signs were trying to tell me.  Get with the program, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Babysitters are always so much more fun at night than parents! I have a funny feeling that the next time Julia is frightened at night, she'll run to your room as first choice. Nice dive, Julia and great movie comprehension, Madeleine. XOXO, Love, Yiayia
