Driving home from church, listening (per Julia's request) to "Jesus Christ, Superstar"
JULIA: (hearing the music from "The Last Supper" starting) Oh, Mama, Madeleine will be happy to hear her favorite song!
ME: I know, she loves this one.
APOSTLES SINGING: Look at all my trials and tribulations, sinking in a gentle pool of wine, don't disturb me now, I can see the answers, 'til this evening is this morning life is fine... etc, etc
JULIA AND MADELEINE: (silent, listening)
At this point, Jesus entered, singing a completely different melody and words from that of the apostles, though the "trials and tribulations" music would continually return throughout the long "Last Supper" track. However, the short wait until the apostle music began again proved to be too much for Madeleine to handle.
MADELEINE: (dolorously, from the back seat) Mommy!
ME: What's the matter, honey?
MADELEINE: (in near-tearful lamentation) I just really miss "The Last Supper!"
Madeleine's conversation between two of her fairies, Sparkle and Rosetta, while she pooped on the potty:
ROSETTA: (showing off her wings) I got WIDE OPEN!
SPARKLE: I don't got wide open.
MADELEINE: (Pointing at Sparkle and turning to me) Mommy, she don't got wide open!
ME: She doesn't huh?
ROSETTA: Yeah, you don't got WIDE OPEN.
Rosetta, who's got wide open.
Sparkle, who don't got wide open.
Singing Madeleine her bedtime lullaby:
MADELEINE: Can you sing another song?
ME: What song would you like?
MADELEINE: How about Rosetta's song?
ME: I don't know Rosetta's song.
MADELEINE: How about the Rainbow Fish song?
ME: I don't know any Rainbow Fish song.
MADELEINE: It goes (breaking into singsong) "Rainbow Fish goes for a walk, and a crocodile and a shark going to eat her..."
ME: A crocodile and a shark are going to EAT her?!? Uh-oh!
MADELEINE: Yeah. (back to singsong) "And she stepped on a rock, and Ariel comes to save herrrrrr...."
Phew. I'm glad Ariel saved her. I was getting worried for poor Rainbow Fish, out on her walk.
Snuggling Madeleine before putting her in her crib:
ME: Madeleine, did you know you used to live inside my tummy? Back when you were so little?
MADELEINE: Yeah, I was so little, and the doctors had to CUT your tummy open to get me out. And...and...and they CUT your tummy and they BROKED it! And there were pieces of your tummy all over the place, and they BROKED, and they dropped some pieces of your tummy on my HEAD!
Hmmm. Okay. Apparently she is envisioning the gory details that would entail a C-section, because I certainly never said anything about broken pieces of tummy dropping on her head.
ME: Yes, the doctors had to cut my tummy to get you out, and when you came out I said, "There's my baby!"
MADELEINE: Yeah, and I was SOOOO happy to get out, because I was so happy to come out and WATCH a SHOW! But, not yet, because the show is just over and I TURNED it off.
ME: Well, you were too little to watch a show. I think what you were most excited to do when you came out was to drink milk.
MADELEINE: Yeah, and I was so excited to eat animal crackers that go with my milk.
ME: Well, babies that little can only drink milk, they can't eat anything yet, because they don't have any teeth. And you had to drink a special kind of milk called breastmilk, because you were too little to have the kind of milk that's in our fridge. You couldn't have that kind of milk until you turned one.
MADELEINE: Yeah, and I turned TWO. And...and...and Mommy just turned thirty-GRAPE.
ME: I turned thirty-grape, huh?
MADELEINE: Yeah, and I turned TWO, and then... you can have real milk!
As usual, she is completely confident in her understanding of how the world works.
Well, what woman in their thirties wouldn't want to be thirty grape? Hehehehe! Oh, Made, you're a creative thinker. Love, you, XOXO, Yiayia