Monday, April 2, 2012

And Yet More Potty Talk

In addition to her recent interest in the difference between male and female, as well as adult and child, anatomy, Madeleine made a new discovery this week about the woman's body. In her own words: "Mommy? Did you do RED pee-pees?"

I truly have no privacy when it comes to the bathroom. Or - let's be real - anything. I am generally used to the kids crowding around me regardless of what I'm doing, whether it be talking on the phone, going to the bathroom, eating my lunch, getting dressed, or what not. However, this morning took on a whole new level, as we all came downstairs upon waking and took our turns using the toilet. As Julia moved off the pot and onto brushing her teeth, I took my turn, then passed it on to Madeleine, who felt the need to start a whole conversation with her sister about the contents in the toilet bowl.

ME: Here, Madeleine, let me put you on the potty.
MADELEINE: (gazing into the bowl, still unflushed) Mommy? Is that your RED ONE under there?
JULIA: Madeleine, it's her BLOOD.
MADELEINE: Yeah, that's just her blood that's under the toilet.
JULIA: It's not UNDER the toilet, Madeleine. It's IN the toilet.
MADELEINE: Yeah, it's just Mommy's blood that's in the toilet under there.
JULIA: It's not UNDER, Madeleine.
MADELEINE: (peeing in the potty, then getting down to look inside the bowl, which had still not been flushed from me using it)
ME: Okay, Madeleine, here, wipe yourself.
MADELEINE: (in wonderment) Mommy! I did my OWN red one!

While she will someday do her own red one, I think two and a half is a bit on the young side.

Hope you all enjoyed reading about my period. I know my kids sure like talking about it. Maybe you will too.

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