Friday, April 27, 2012

Fashion Girl

Julia certainly made waves in the fashion world with her stylish outfit today:

Very boho chic, n'est pas?

Julia and Madeleine both displayed a stunning mastery of logic as they contemplated their clothing today.

Upon getting dressed this morning:
JULIA: Mom, why on EARTH does the tag on my pants say "Disney?"
ME: Well, maybe the Disney company made those pants.
JULIA: Yeah.  Or maybe, like, some of these COLORS are from Disney movies.

Oh, yeah, that MUST be it.

As we were about to head out to bring Julia to school:
ME: Okay, Julia, get your coat on.
JULIA: (putting on her jacket)
MADELEINE: Mommy, I'm so chilly for my coat.
ME: You're chilly, huh?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  So, I don't need to wear a coat, because I'm just so chilly.

This reminds me of the time she was so tired that her feet were so sweaty and she needed to take off her shoes.

And speaking of logic, as the girls sat eating lunch, Julia gave me a very thorough explanation as to why, even though Madeleine was having a juice box, Julia herself didn't want juice at the moment...

JULIA: Mom, there's three reasons why I'm not gonna have a juice box right now. ONE: I have to go pee.  TWO: I don't wanna have to pee again, and THREE: I like having the juice box a little bit LATER, when I get to be the only one who's having a juice box.

So glad she cleared that all up for me. I would have sat around all afternoon wondering, What kind of kid doesn't want to drink a juice box?  Now I get it: one who needs to pee, who doesn't want to pee again, and who prefers drinking in solitude.  Crystal clear.


  1. Oooh la la - one of her best outfits yet!! I bet you were over the moon about this particular choice!!

    And Courtney...i yie yie. These kids.

    1. She's an awfully lovable fashionista! XOXO, Love, Yiayia
