Thursday, November 17, 2011

Madeleine's requests

As we rode the 59 bus home from the Y today, Madeleine had a very unexpected request:

MADELEINE: Mommy? Give me a turtle?
ME: A turtle??
MADELEINE: Mommy? Give me a BLUE turtle?
ME: I don't have a blue turtle, honey.
MADELEINE: Mommy? Give me a PURPLE turtle?
ME: Sweetheart, I don't have any turtle that I can give you. I'm not really sure what you're asking for.
MADELEINE: (after a few moments of silent thought) Mommy? Give me a PURPLE waterfall?

Oh, yeah, okay, I don't have a turtle on me, but I do have a purple waterfall. Right here in my back pocket. Here you go.

In addition to wanting a blue and purple turtle, Madeleine has also had some unusual lunch requests over the past few days. Today she asked for peanut butter grilled cheese, the thought of which literally makes me want to gag, and the other day she had a full-out meltdown over not getting the lunch of her choice:

MADELEINE: (standing at the glass cupboard, pawing at the doors) Mooooooomy! I want BAM CRAAAAACKER! Get me BAM CRAAAACKER, Mom?
ME: Honey, it's not time for a graham cracker right now. It's time for lunch.
MADELEINE: (breaking into new, fresh sobs) I want BAAAAAAM CRAAAAAACKER!
ME: No, you already had your snack. It's time for lunch right now. Do you want a peanut butter sandwich?
ME: Do you want an egg?
ME: What do you want for lunch?
MADELEINE: (tears of relief pouring down her face) Um, a bam cracker?
ME: No, you're not having a graham cracker right now.
ME: Do you want some lunch?
ME: What would you like for lunch?
MADELEINE: Um, a bam cracker?

This went on and on for quite some time, although when physically presented with a banana and peanut butter sandwich, she decided it wasn't a half bad lunch option, and finally got over her bam cracker obsession. I can't really blame her for her melt-down. Nothing beats a good old bam cracker.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor honey. I have a bam cracker for you! Love, Yiayia
