Next up was the play-kitchen area, where both girls created wonderful faux-food meals for me. I was particularly impressed with Madeleine's piece de resistance:
"Here you go, Mom! A cookie and a watermelon!"
After my delicious feast, we headed into the doctor's office, where Ethan and I had the pleasure of becoming grandparents. Julia gave birth first, to a daughter named Marina. I guess she must have given birth in the wheelchair en route to the delivery room:
But that's okay, because we had Doctor Ethan on hand to immediately check her out:
Madeleine gave birth next, although she seemed much more interested in getting a fun ride around the room in the wheelchair than in her baby:
And in a strange twist of events, Julia wound up leaving the hospital on crutches. Why? "Because I had a baby!":
Next up was the dinosaur room, in which Madeleine took the time to pick up each and every dinosaur and label it for me: "That's a DINOSAUR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's ALLOSAURUS! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a ROAR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a DINOSAUR! That's a SHARK!"
She really enjoyed pretend-playing with the dinosaurs, especially the Brachiosauri, who had a heart-felt reunion while crying out, "I found you!":
Unfortunately, the fun came to an end when, just as while watching last week's episode of "Curious George," Madeleine became "scared to the dinosaur" after Julia held out one of the dinosaurs and made a roaring sound at her sister:
Soooo, we decided to head to a different room and re-direct. The girls got a chance to go inside the space shuttle and be astronauts, although the helmet was a weeeee bit enormous on Madeleine:
I don't think either child actually wanted to leave when it was time to go, proven by Madeleine's wails of "I wanna go back in MUSEEEEEEUM!" as I dragged her along to the car, so all and all, it was a successful outing. My little chefs/new mothers/paleontologists/astronauts seemed to thoroughly enjoy their museum visit.
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