-"Elena! Elena! Where's Sand?"
-"She's in the backpack."
-"Why'd she want to go there?"
-"Witch put her there. But I made sure she didn't put us in there."
-"We have to SOLVE the MYSTERY!" said... this pony. The Great Rainbow-Heart Pony.
-"No problem! See ya later!" (as an aside, to me): They're gonna go by themselves because they know where that girl lives.
-"There's the backpack of treasures! She must be inside! Oh, Mackansione, Mackansione, we're coming!"
-"See, see, she's the twinkling pony that's the last unicorn."
(Mackansione, or Sand, or the last unicorn, or whoever she is, and her rescuers rejoin the other ponies.)
-"We found her, we found her!" (Some made-up 'Spanish' words)
-"Oh, to eat her!"
-"Oh, we don't eat friends!"
-"No, we don't eat friends!"
-"Yeah, we don't eat friends!"
-"We love friends!"

Julia and ponies
I tried to take a video of Julia engaged in another play conversation yesterday, this one with her princess dolls; they were having some sort of competition and Julia had them all talking to each other explaining the rules and complimenting each other on their performances. Unfortunately, I wasn't sneaky enough, because Julia immediately saw me taping and started talking at me rather than having the dolls "talk" to each other. I did get her to reenact the events of the competition, though, so at least you can see some of their fancy moves:
Julia's Fantasland! Love Yiayia