Saturday, January 1, 2011

Argry Banargry

ME: Here, Jules, let me button your shirt.
JULIA: (laughing) Why did Daddy forget to button my buttons?
ME: Because he's a goofball, what can I say?
JULIA: Yeah. He's an Argry Banargry.
ME: He sure is.
JULIA: Do you know who Argry Banargry is?
ME: No, I don't.
JULIA: He's a person on a tv show.
ME: Oh, really? What show is he on?
JULIA: Um... the Day of Christmas Day.
ME: Is it a real show, or are you making it up?
JULIA: Well, um, it's just on a tv show. It's a show that's not on our tv, it's just on a different person's tv.
ME: Oh, okay.
JULIA: Argry Banargry is a silly goose because he thinks that Christmas will never come. But it DID come.
ME: And what did Argry Banargry say when it came?
JULIA: He said nothing!

Somewhere in the middle of this conversation, not sure whether this was really a show she had seen a snippet of, I googled "Argry Banargry" to see if he was indeed a true television character. When my google search provided me with results for "Angry Bannerjee" instead, I had my answer.

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