Friday, August 6, 2010

Gar animals

"Mama, do you know what gar animals are? They're mean, mean creatures. And Mama, do you know what gar animals eat? MAMMALS! And they live in the WOODS. They live in the kind of woods where foxes live. They play with the foxes and run around with the foxes and play all day. And do you know what? If a person comes up to a gar animal, the gar animal EATS THE PERSON! And do you know, gar animals can even hide from thunderstorms. They have a long shiny nose, and do you know what they exactly are? GARGOYLES!"


  1. Wow! If that isn't the perfect model of a child playing out her fears, I don't know what is! Wonder if she sweats it out in bed at night wondering if she sees a pointy nose in the shadowy corners of her room! YIKES.

    Love, Yiayia

  2. I really would love to spend just ONE day inside Julia's brain. I think it would be the equivalent to what most people feel when they drop acid...
