Sunday, August 1, 2010


Julia has invented a new kind of sport called "boomerskating." In order to boomerskate, one first must have the appropriate outfit on. Here is what the boomerskating get-up should look like:

Basically, from what I've gathered, boomerskating involves dressing up as shown above, then taking one high-heeled shoe and resting it on one of the rods connecting the wheels of a baby stroller, and finally, using the other foot to push off from the ground so that the stroller rolls along with the boomerskater riding on it. Or, if my explanation is not satisfactory, I can offer Julia's description of the sport:

"Boomerskating means, like, you skate in the rain. Because, like, it can cool you off. Because your feet are wet, so sometimes you like to do it in the rain. Boomerskating is kind of like roller skating; you roll on your feet, with shoes on, in the rain. Okay? That's how you boomerskate. And Boomerskating is a type of skate. The stroller is the boomerskate."

I then asked her, "What do you do when you boomerskate?" Her response was: "Like, you know, just talk to other people you meet, and look for people, and you can boomerskate over to the fireworks, and anything you can do is to boomerskate."

Does that clear it up? If not, here are some pictures of her in action so you can see the boomerskating process:

Madeleine does not boomerskate, but she did decide to try and play the Irish pennywhistle. I told her it would be a little easier if she tried using it right-side up:

That's better.

Uh-oh. Stuffed it in too far and gagged herself. Needless to say, that toy went away and has been deemed inappropriate for a 10-month-old.

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