Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jack and Reela

Julia has been playing with Jack and Reela lately; Jack and Reela are not actual people, but rather, they're two of her dolls. Reela has been named Reela for a long time. Reela was once Cudda's baby-sitter. Cudda was Julia's imaginary friend some time back, and Mr. Cause-Cause used to sneak into her house at night and eat her (Cudda, this is; he never did eat Julia.) Jack was once named Uncle Mike, but it appears his name has been changed to Jack. Julia enjoys narrating the story of what Jack and Reela are doing as she acts out their movements. Here is her most recent Jack and Reela story:

"Reela and Jack are BEST friends. They're kids, and they're in High School. They go to school together. Sometimes Jack walks to school first, but sometimes Reela does. Jack got up and walked to school, and he was really worried that he was going to step in mud, or in dog poop. And he did! He stepped in a mud puddle. He walked into school and both shoes were muddy, so his teacher said, 'Choose a new pair.' So he did, and he said, 'Oh, they fit perfectly! Except they're kid sizes.' And then Reela got up, and she put something in her hair, and she got dressed and walked to school. And she stepped in TWO mud puddles! And her teacher said, 'Oh, you're muddy? Here are some sandals for you to wear.' Then Jack got down. It was a long way down to his house and to Reela's house. When he got home he got in his bed, and laid down, and went to sleep. And Reela walked home and got into her bed, and they slept forever."

Interestingly, Jack and Reela went to bed under the same blanket, which leads me to believe they were sharing a bed. Uh-oh! I hope Reela's mommy doesn't find out!

Jack and Reela


  1. Can't see Jack's shoes, but Reela's sandals look pretty clean. Love you, Yiayia

  2. Courtney, i yie yie. Those are the dolls Jenn got you and Ethan for your wedding!
