Monday, August 30, 2010

New solutions

Julia has done a great job staying in her bed at night, even though she's still a little nervous. She seems to have found a way to hide from the blue tarantula and fall asleep in peace, since this is what we've seen every night when we've gone in to check on her:

Seems like a pretty effective strategy, although the poor thing is sweltering under that blanket; look at how damp and sticky her hair is:

Meanwhile, my other, fearless child has come up with a new, exciting twist on her usual dining room chair play:

(The blue shiny blur to the right is Julia, about to gallop into the frame. And yes, Madeleine deliberately knocked the chair over by herself.)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry Julia, I STILL have to do that after too many episodes of Fringe!!
