Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Bunnies Have a Baby

We have long had a pair of bunnies that frequent our backyard, and they have become such a beloved sight to Julia and Madeleine that they were given names.  Leila and Lola are our resident lawn bunnies, and today it appears Leila and Lola were given the unique ability of female/female reproduction.

JULIA: Mommy!  There's a new bunny in our backyard!  It's this teeny, tiny little baby bunny!
ME: Oh, that's cute.
JULIA: Madeleine, we should name the  new baby April.  Wanna name it April?
MADELEINE: (looking up imploringly) Fluff?
JULIA: (dumbfounded silence)
JULIA: I like April better.
JULIA: Madeleine, you got to name both Leila AND Lola and I haven't named ANY bunnies yet!
MADELEINE: Okay, fine, April.

Madeleine then went downstairs for a few seconds.

JULIA: Mommy, we saw-
MADELEINE: (pounding back upstairs) Wait, Julia, how about Fluff-Fluff!??
JULIA: I like April.
MADELEINE:  No, Fluff-Fluff!
JULIA: Madeleine, it's my turn to pick, and I picked April.  You can name the NEXT bunny Fluff-Fluff.
MADELEINE: But I only wanna name a BABY bunny Fluff-Fluff!  There will NEVER be another baby bunny!  (breaking into manipulative tears)

I decided to intervene.

ME: Honey, rabbits have lots of babies.
MADELEINE: No they don't!
ME: Yes, they really do.  There's even a saying, "breeding like rabbits," to mean having a lot of babies.  Because rabbits have lots and lots of babies.
MADELEINE: No they don't. They have ONE bunny, and then they KILL IT.

Well then.  She showed me.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that this is the DUMBEST FIGHT EVER??  They are literally fighting over the right to name a bunny that DOESN'T EVEN BELONG TO US.  And let's not even get into the fact that one kid is in tears because she can't name the bunny the utterly ridiculous name of  FLUFF-FLUFF.

Seriously.  FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS, people.


  1. I recently discovvered two baby bunnies in my yard. The Mom hung around for a while, but she seems to have left. I heard they only come to feed the babies at night. If Madeleine wants, she can name one of the baby bunnies in my yard Fluff-fluff! They may have lots of babies, but when I went on a google search about them, it turns out ther survival rate is very dim. Ugh. I hope those bunnies get some smarts and stop having babies in Chihuahualand!

  2. I have two baby bunnies in my yard. If Madeleine would like, she can name the one of the baby bunnies in my yard Fluff-fluff. They do have a lot of babies, but when I read on how I could relocate them, it said their survival rate is dim. I hope that Mommy bunny quits having babies in Chihuahualand!
