Monday, July 18, 2016

Barbie: A Mermaid Tale

Yesterday, the girls watched one of their old favorite Barbie movies: "Barbie in a Mermaid Tale."  When Julia had first seen this movie, over three years ago, it inspired her to do her kindergarten non-fiction research writing on surfing.  For a little while, Julia was ALL ABOUT surfing, so entranced was she by the surfer protagonist of this movie, Merliah Summers.  She often pretended to be a surfing star herself, and imagined the glory of a future as a real-life surfer.

After watching the movie yesterday, Madeleine was inspired to make this picture:

MADELEINE: Look, Mama!  She's FALLING OFF a wave!

While her horrified friends look on.  And nobody does anything to help.

What is with Madeleine always drawing pictures of impending disaster?  It's always either mermaids getting eaten by sharks or fairies getting struck by evil magic or pictures of things like this:

I'm starting to wonder if Madeleine is a visionary for a future Doomsday cult or something. 


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