Monday, December 15, 2014

Julia Tackles Vocab

Part of Julia's spelling unit every week is to define each of her spelling words.  When Julia really isn't sure of a definition, she can ask her teacher, but otherwise she is encouraged to write out a definition in her own words. 

I'm often amused by the definitions and sentences she comes up on her own.

Here are a few recent ones:

Word: ugly definition: very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive; disagreeable; objectionable; morally revolting; threatening trouble or danger.

Julia's definition: when someone is not pretty.

Sentence: "I read a Halloween book about a ugly witch!"

(I will note that I just read a sentence with a ugly use of grammar.)

Word: dislike definition: to regard with displeasure, antipathy or aversion.

Julia's definition: when you don't like something.

Sentence: "I really, really, really dislike aspagess."

She sure does.  In fact, I had a post very early on in this blog, back when Julia was three or so, about how disgusting she thinks "dasparagus" is.  The only thing that has changed since then is that "dasparagus" is now "aspagess."

Word: empty definition: containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents; vacant; unoccupied; without cargo or load; destitute of people or human activity; devoid; without force, effect, or significance; hollow; meaningless; idle.

Julia's definition: when something doesent have something in it.

Seriously,  Three or four lines of definition??  You could have saved yourself a LOT of space on that definition if you'd just had Julia writing for you.  "When something doesent have anything in it." 

Sentence: "My cookie jar is empty!"

Word: baby definition: an infant or very young child; a newborn or very young animal; the youngest member of a family, group, etc; an immature or childish person; a human fetus

Julia's definition: When you aren't very old yet.

Wait a minute.  I don't consider myself "very old" yet.  Does that make me a baby?

Sentence: "I think babys are really cute."

I think *YOU* are really cute, Julia!  And you'll ALWAYS be my baby!

Madeleine is exercising her mighty brain power tonight as well.  She seriously just asked me this, after I had sung her "The Little Drummer Boy" as her lullaby:

"Mama?  What does Jesus even have to do with Christmas anyway?"

What can I say?  These kids are gonna be rocket scientists.

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