Friday, December 5, 2014

Dinner Talk

Just a normal old night at the Rowe dinner table.

JULIA: Mom?  Remember that book you wrote when you were a kid that was about baby-sitting but it's not ACTUALLY about baby-sitting??
ME: Yeah.  I was a pretty stinky author.  But I thought I was really great.
MADELEINE: Why did you think you were a really great ARTHUR?
JULIA: Because, Madeleine.  Kids ALWAYS think they're so great at things, then when they grow up they're like, "Oh...actually, this isn't so great.  It's pretty dopey."
ETHAN: (who had not been contributing to the conversation, since he had been taking a quiz on his phone) Wow.  I just took a really hard quiz and I did not do so well.
JULIA: Hey Mommy!  Can we play that QUIZZING game, where we make a quiz and other people take it?
ME: Uh, not tonight.
MADELEINE: Wait, what about that game where you draw something, and you have a partner, and the other person has to try and GUESS it??
JULIA: You mean "Pictionary?"
MADELEINE: Oh, yeah!  Fictionary.  That's what it's called.  Can we play that?
ME: Honey, it's gonna be bedtime soon.  We'll play another night.
ETHAN: Okay, I have a game.  I'm thinking of something that's brown and rough and natural?
JULIA: Poop?
JULIA: Dirt?
ETHAN: No, but it is something you find outside.
JULIA: Rocks?
ETHAN: No, rocks are more gray.
ETHAN: Yes!  Good job.
JULIA: Okay.  I'm thinking of something, and it's a LIQUID.
ETHAN: You can give more details, too.  Like, you can say whether it's natural or artificial.
JULIA: Is artificial something that's, like, MADE by someone?
ETHAN: Well, artificial means the ingredients are made by someone.  So, like, orange juice is NOT artificial, because oranges grow in nature.
JULIA: (completely flummoxed by this point) Well, is coffee artificial?
ETHAN: Is the thing you're thinking of coffee?
JULIA: (deflated) Yeeeessss.
MADELEINE: Okay, now it's MY turn!  (staring directly at Clara the chihuahua) It's little and it's cute and it's HAIRY.
JULIA: Clara!
ETHAN: Madeleine.
MADELEINE: (delighted) JULIA GOT IT!  Uh, Daddy, it was Clara.  JULIA GOT IT!

And if this isn't enough detail about our dinnertime conversations, as I sat here typing this I just overheard the discussion between Ethan and Madeleine in the kitchen.

ETHAN: (flustered) Hang on a minute, Madeleine!  Pull your underwear back up and get your hands outta there.  I have to be dealing with the food here.  I need to deal with the food before I can take a look at your bum.  

Don't you all wish you could be here as our lucky dinner guests?!?


  1. Let me guess...Clara was standing under the table looking up at you and wouldn't take her eyes off you throughout the whole dinner?!?!?!

    1. Nope, she was in the kitchen watching Ethan cutting bread for Madeleine and then Madeleine started pulling down her underwear and asking Ethan to look at a spot on her bum that was really hurting.
