Saturday, October 11, 2014


Genius of the week awards:

Discussing her future career with Auntie Shannon:

MADELEINE: When I grow up, I wanna be a school teacher, a piano teacher, or...a cafe server.
AUNTIE SHANNON: You don't want to be a scientist like me?
MADELEINE: (in disbelief) YOU'RE a scientist??
AUNTIE SHANNON: Yes!  That's what I do for my job.
MADELEINE: (dumb-founded) Oh!  I always thought your job was going to work!

Working on math facts with Julia:

ME: Okay, let's see, I'm 36, so how old was I when Madeleine was born?
ME: Nope.  You have to do thirty-six minus five.
JULIA: Uh...uh...thirty-two?
ME: That's closer.  Thirty-six minus five.
JULIA: I thought that's what I DID though!
ME: What's SIX minus five?
JULIA: Uhhhh, three?
ME: Julia.  Six minus five is three?
JULIA: Well, I don't KNOW what it is!
ME: Honey, I'm pretty sure this is one you can get pretty easily.  Six minus five.
JULIA: (beginning to giggle) ONE!
ME: Right.  Not three.
JULIA: I thought you were asking me TEN minus SIX!
ME: Okay.  But that's not three either.

The next day, after quizzing Julia on more math facts, I threw in a joke challenge question.

ME: Okay, last question.  It's really hard.  Six minus five!
JULIA: Three?
ME: Again!?

After Ethan came through the dining room to get scissors, only to discover they weren't in the supply holder.

ETHAN: Shooters.
JULIA: Cheers?
AUNTIE SHANNON: I think he said "shooters."
JULIA: Ohhh.  I thought he said "cheers."  And I was like, "why did he say cheers?"
AUNTIE SHANNON: Well if he said "shears," that would be appropriate.
JULIA: No, I said "CHEERS."
AUNTIE SHANNON: And I said if he said "shears," it would be appropriate.
JULIA: No, I said "CHEERS."
AUNTIE SHANNON: Right, but if he said "shears," that would mean scissors, so it would be appropriate.
JULIA: I know, but I said CHEERS.
ME: Honey, we know you said "cheers."  I think Auntie Shannon is just saying "shears" because they rhyme.
MADELEINE: (with great wisdom) Uh, "cutting" and "shears" DON'T rhyme.

What am I gonna do with these Einsteins??

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