Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This morning, Ethan and I accidentally overslept because his phone, on which he sets our morning alarm, died overnight.  So we were scrambling a bit this morning, and did our kids decide to take extra initiative to be as timely as possible to help us out? 

Nope!  Madeleine, especially, decided to draaaaag out her breakfast for as long as she possibly could.  Every topic under the sun was discussed in lieu of her actually drinking her milk or eating her cereal.  Some such topics:

MADELEINE: Mama?  Can we talk about BUBBLE GUM?
ME: What about it?
MADELEINE: Is bubble gum HOT?
ME: No.
MADELEINE: Is bubble gum SPICY in your MOUTH?
ME: It depends on what flavor you have.
MADELEINE: Uh, can we check mine?  (leaving the breakfast table to get her Spooky Walk bag of treats, then pulling out the stick of bubble gum she had received) Is it a CERTAIN flavor?

It was a certain flavor indeed.  Bubble gum flavor.  Imagine that!

As the endless stream of conversation continued, I suggested Madeleine spend less time talking about bubble gum (and everything else) and more time eating.

ME: Are we having trouble focusing on our breakfast here?
MADELEINE: (big wide grin spreading across her face) You said focusing on our BREAKFAST.  (giggle) Which isn't a real WORD.

So, as you can probably imagine, both girls were running late when it was time to leave for school. 

And on another conversational note, Julia recently told me that she takes issue with the main character in "Halloweentown," who dresses as a Wiccan for Halloween.

JULIA: Mom, did you know that Marnie says "I'm a WICKED!"  Like, you can't add the "a."  You just say "I'm WICKED."
MADELEINE: Or she can say "I'm a WITCH!"

Madeleine is actually closer to the real meaning behind Marnie's words than Julia.  Which is surprising, because how often does anything that comes out of Madeleine's mouth actually make logical sense??

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