Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More of Madeleine's Artwork

As if Madeleine's artwork isn't morbid enough, she took to drawing a bloody dinosaur today.  The dinosaur in and of itself was not bloody.  It's a pre-drawn dinosaur inside one of Madeleine's coloring books.  It was her own decision to decorate him with blood.  There was even a whole back story to go along with the picture:

MADELEINE: So, he and his brother and his sister and his family and his cousins and his uncles and his friends were all picking some nuts and some fruit and some apples, and then Baby Dinosaur...and then the baby sister and the baby brother dinosaur BOTH fell over ONE HUNDRED TIMES!  But...but...the baby sister fell even MORE times, because, she, like, fell one hundred thirty-three pounds of TWO and TEN and ZERO.  So this dinosaur is bleeding, and so was the baby sister.  The mommy put the blue medicine on both of the dinosaurs that fell DOWN. 

Bloody Baby Dinosaur, receiving his medicine

As she colored in the blue medicine, Madeleine had a sudden reflection.

MADELEINE: Mama, I think it's like SPIDER blood, because when Daddy reads the book "Spiders" he always says that spiders have pale blue blood!

I foolishly mistook this to mean that the blue medicine was made of spider blood.

ME: Oh, so the medicine that makes him better is spider blood?
MADELEINE: (dumbfounded) What?  No!  It's not spider blood!
ME: Oh.  I thought it was spider blood.
MADELEINE: Uh, no, Mama, it's MEDICINE.
ME: But I thought you told me it was spider blood because it's blue like spider blood.
MADELEINE: Yeah, but EPSEPT, this medicine is not the same.  Mama, I'm even CURIOUS than you!
ME: You're even more curious about what?

Well, of course Madeleine is even curious than me about blood.  She's into all things gory and creepy.

Madeleine also took some time to color in another of her Thanksgiving pictures sent by Auntie Shannon.  This time, both the Pilgrim and the Native American are orange-haired (and orange-clad), and Madeleine added a few other freestyle drawings around them.  (No rocket ships this time, though):

ME: So, Madeleine, what is this a picture of?
MADELEINE: Oh, it's a picture of two little girls.
ME: And what are they doing?
MADELEINE: Uh, they're buying a bunch of toys for some people and for THEM.  Because they don't really have enough TOYS.  Because the only toys they have is just ONE toy.  ONE SINGLE TOY.  I mean, they only have ZERO toys!  And that means NONE.  So, if I say "ZERO babies," that means "NO babies."
ME: And what's this thing you drew in between the two girls?
MADELEINE: Oh, that's just a little SPELL, because...she's kind of FUNNY, and she wanted to show her sister a cool new SPELL.
ME: Okay.  (pointing to bird-like creature drawn on the right) And is that a turkey?
ME: Okay.  (pointing to the tiny house drawn on the left) And what's that?
MADELEINE: Oh.  That's just a little HOUSE!  Because I thought it would be neat to draw all these COOL little things.

Well, one thing is for sure.  What the Native Americans needed most of all during European colonization was a bunch of new toys.  That captures the spirit of Thanksgiving, now, doesn't it??

1 comment:

  1. At least she's finally accepting Thanksgiving a little more!
