Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Christmas Lists

Julia decided it was high time to make her Christmas list yesterday, so when I arrived home from work, I was greeted with an ebullient recitation of everything she had put on her list.

These are the items Julia had added by that point:

-GoGo Pillow
-Cell Fone
-Ice Cream Macker
-A Camra
-A TV in my room

JULIA: Mommy?  I was gonna add "Coffee Maker," but I wasn't really sure if you would actually LIKE the taste of coffee by age seven.

I have, in fact, already ordered the doll Josefina for Christmas for Julia, -(shhhhh!  Don't tell!) - knowing that it's the American Girl that has been on her Wish List for years.  As far as everything else goes, uh...yeah right.  I assured Julia that she might get ONE of the above items, but that there is no way she'll be getting more than that.  I explained that the items she was asking for are extremely expensive and that she couldn't expect to receive all of them.

So Julia decided to amend her list.  Or, rather, she kept all of the aforementioned items on the list, but started adding some lower-budget options as well.

-A box of tishos for my room
-Pens for my homework
-My own things to hold things in
-My own books
-Head fones
-A new lamp for my closat
-Composishin book
-Snow macker
-A mug
-a Christmas CD

You've heard it from the horses' mouth, folks!  If you're looking for a Christmas gift to give to Julia, and you're on a budget, rest assured that a box of tissues would suffice.  Heck, maybe even just a BOX, seeing as she can use that as her own thing to hold things in!

Madeleine has little interest in making her own Christmas list.  She's still holding on to Halloween with all her might.  In fact, when Julia attempted to write a Christmas list FOR Madeleine, the only wish-list item Madeleine dictated was "a pumpkin."  She will only wear her pumpkin pajamas to bed at night, and burst into bitter tears this morning when I took her pjs off to throw them in the laundry, because: "But Maaamaaaaaa!  Now I won't look like a puuuuumpkiiiiiin!"

This is Madeleine's outfit today:

P.S.: I know it's not a great idea to allow her to sit on the top of the couch like that.  But I was bapbooming the living room rug, and she scampered up there, because, well, she's scared to the bapboom, remember?


  1. Aw, bapboom phobia! She is the cutest little pumpkin, I agree. XOXO, Yiayia

  2. Nice rolled up pants and sleeve Madeleine, you giant weirdo!

  3. Julia is so cute it breaks my heart. I understand the tablit and her own thing to hold her things in (because I suggested she get a toy chest with a lock on it so Madeleine can't play with her things when she's at school) but why the computer and cellfone and headfones?!
