Tuesday, November 5, 2013

1st Grade Parent-Teacher Conference

This morning, I had to head into Julia's school early, sans kiddos, to attend her parent-teacher conference.

Highlights from the conference:

-Julia's teacher described Julia as a gift to the class, nearly got teary, and stated: "I'm not gonna cry, but she's just WONDERFUL.  She's an example to the entire class."
-Julia is at an end-of-second-grade reading level (Go, Jules!)
-Julia's math skills are fine but she'd benefit from stronger absorption of math facts.  In other words, she's still counting on her fingers because she hasn't started to internalize the relationships between numbers from 0-10.  (This is the child of a mother who still counts on her own fingers when balancing her checkbook or calculating how much to pay the baby-sitter.)
-Julia has made friends throughout the class, and kids love to play with her and partner with her on class activities.
-Julia feels totally comfortable lapsing into her British accent in the middle of class.
(TEACHER: She'll speak with her little British accent...
ME: Oh, boy.  She does that at school too?)
-Julia decided to aim high for her hopes and dreams for first grade.  "In first grade, I hope to learn more about Hurricane Katrina."  However, her career goals are a bit less lofty.  "When I grow up, I want to be a lifeguard."  I guess waitress is officially off the table now.
-Julia wrote in her last journal entry about how she plays "Naduv Amarikans."  I guess Swimming Beluga Whale is here to stay.

All in all, I definitely couldn't be more proud of my conscientious, book-devouring, finger-counting, faux-British-accented little Native American wannabe.  Way to go, Julia!

1 comment:

  1. Alright Julia!!! You've made me one proud Auntie!! I love you sweetheart!
