I mean, can you even tell which fairy Madeleine drew? That pink little spiky-tailed ghoul-creature fits right in, don't you think??
Madeleine also chose to
MADELEINE: (cheerfully) Look, Mama! I drew a FACE, because Julia FORGOT to draw one!
I hid the whole book in one of the drawers of our dining room cupboard. I'm hoping that Julia will turn her sights to a brand new book and blissfully forget that she was working on this one. Fat chance. I know.
Further artwork by both girls includes Thanksgiving projects from school. Julia came home yesterday with a laminated "thankful" picture:
I am digging my cute little pink dress. I look totally stylish! Thanks, Jules!
To all those family members not drawn in this picture, don't you worry. Julia worriedly assured Auntie Caitlyn, who was baby-sitting last night, that, "Uh, even though I didn't DRAW you, I did SAY you because I said I'm thankful for my FAMILY." So, even though you may not be QUITE as special as Julia's teachers and warrant your own picture, you are still included in her all-enveloping familial thankfulness.
Here is what Madeleine is thankful for:
See? Just like Julia's. All-encompassing. Nobody needs to worry about being left out, because Madeleine is thankful for EVERYTHING! I mean, sure, the toy store gets its own special mention, but, hey, it's kind of hard to one-up the toy store in terms of total awesomeness, right??
At any rate, as we are in the final count-down to Thanksgiving, I expect the volume of Christmas-themed artwork will increase exponentially. I'll keep you all posted on the great new books and pictures that have yet to be created as we enter the holiday season!
I think Madeleine thinks that her fairy drawing is far superior to the one's manufactured on the paper! It's almost twice the size! Love the coloring, Madeleine. XOXO