Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New Books and More

After Madeleine woke me up (too early) this morning, we headed downstairs to find Julia sitting at the dining room table, silently reading her Ivy & Bean book.

"Mama!  I already read THREE chapters to myself this morning!" she announced.

I have to say, I am LOVING this new phase of Julia reading to herself.  Not only because of the huge accomplishment on her part, but also because, let's get real here, if she wants to wake up on her own and read quietly to herself until I awaken, I am most DEFINITELY not going to complain.

Meanwhile, Madeleine has asked me to read her new books to her as well, so we are several chapters into her Ivy & Bean "Mermaid Tales" book, and additionally, we have read "Where the Wild Things Are" (which Daddy picked out for Madeleine at the book fair) so many times today that Madeleine can now quote the text herself.  Not bad, considering she was a total newbie to the book when we first sat down to read it today.  In fact, she was way off-base in her concept of what the book was about as she browsed the pictures on the inside title page.

MADELEINE: (pointing to Max) Mom?  Why is JESUS looking like that?
ME: Uh, this book isn't about Jesus, honey.
MADELEINE: Well Mama.  I think that's a little BOY, and his name is JESUS.  But...but...why is he being a MONSTER?

Wow.  I don't think she could have been more on the mark if she'd tried.  Because Max stirring up a wild, moonlit orgy of mayhem in the forest with the Wild Things is *exactly* something that Jesus would do.

Speaking of wild mayhem, Madeleine decided to draw a slice of pizza today, and got herself into a frenzy of crazy delight as she added toppings to the pizza.  What started off as toppings of mushrooms and peppers soon turned into ice cream and chocolate and then got even more adventurous from there:

Cannibal Pizza


Madeleine also drew another mother-daughter duo, this time announcing that she had drawn Mommy and Madeleine:

An AMAZING likeness of me!  Did she nail it, or what?  I can imagine that EVERY person who sees me walking down the street sees a hulking behemoth of a human being like Madeleine drew here.

While Madeleine and I were busy reading books and doing artwork, Julia was off enjoying the next alphabet-themed kindergarten class.   Today was P(ajama) Day!:

However, Julia had to change OUT of her pajamas after school and INTO actual clothes, because we had yet another exciting event this evening, Madeleine's End-of-Year School picnic at a park in town.  The girls had a blast playing on the playground, and because it takes no more than a pile of dirt to entertain Madeleine, she literally spent the majority of the picnic in the sandbox - which has NO sand toys - digging holes with her hands.  Despite the digging fun, however, she got a chance to break for cake and a balloon, and a little bit of swinging:

As Madeleine lay beside me in bed after the picnic, listening to me read "Where the Wild Things Are" yet again, she had the sudden urgent need to interrupt and tell me something.

MADELEINE: Mama!  (leaning over to whisper to me)
ME: Yes?
MADELEINE: (whispering into my ear) Jesus died on the CROSS!
ME: Oh.  Yeah, that's right.
MADELEINE: (joyfully) It's a SECRET!

It is?!?  Wow!  How does the world not know about this yet?  Breaking news, blog readers!  You heard it first here!  Madeleine has spoken: Jesus died on the cross!  I know, NO. WAY.  Right?  Glad to know I'm here to keep you informed of all major news and events.

1 comment:

  1. That slice of pizza looks good enough to eat!! Good job, Made!! Wow, Jesus is everywhere in Madeleine's world. Keep up the good work, honey. XOXO, Yiayia
