Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dress Up Make-Up Makes a Comeback

The girls are busy coloring in their "Dress Up Make-Up" books, which means they are both having pretend conversations between the models on each coloring page.  Madeleine took the pretend-play a little TOO far, pushing the limit of what's believable and what's not, when she tried to talk her own models to those in Julia's book.

MADELEINE: (as the models in her book) Hey, girls!  Girls!  Do you want to come see what we're doing?
JULIA: Uh, they live in a different WORLD, Madeleine.
MADELEINE: But Julia.  I want your girls to come see what MY girls are doing.
JULIA: (as her models) Sorry!  We're BUSY.

I foolishly attempted to encourage Julia's models to be a little more compliant.

JULIA: Mom, they're MODELING right now!  They're in JAPAN!

Oh.  Silly me.  Of course they can't take time out of their tea ceremony photo shoot to see Madeleine's models.

Models in Japan.

Now Julia's models are getting catty, as the models on the left side of the page are feeling jealous of the models on the right side of the page.  One of the left-side models is putting up a front about how boring Japan is because she's feeling so envious of the girls doing their Japanese photo shoot on the right side of the page.

RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 1: So, I say this, because I've been to Japan about a THOUSAND times.  People ask me what it's like, but I just say, 'not much.'
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 2: Is it REALLY not much??
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 1: Of course it's not.  All our teacher told us was to try lots of different foods, and different outfits.  Besides.  All we get to wear are SANDALS.  They get to wear PROLLOS.
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 2: What are prollos?
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 1: They're, like, different kinds of shoes, that are brown, red, orange and yellow, and they're VERY comfortable, and you can walk around OUTSIDE in them.
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 2: But...isn't it still COOL?  It can't be THAT bad.
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 1: Oooookay.  It isn't THAT bad.  But, still.  I meant what I said.
RIGHT-SIDE MODEL 2: (with a big, tired sigh) I know.  You meant what you said.

Wow.  You get WAY more than just a simple coloring experience with this book.  Spiteful, nasty models included!

Madeleine is having an entirely different sort of conversation with her models, one that Julia couldn't help but get intrigued by.

MADELEINE: (as Danielle) Doesn't it FEEL like that?  I'm really THRILLING, like to DO it.
JULIA: Why is it THRILLING, Madeleine?
MADELEINE: (as Danielle) Well, I was just REALLY loving it, in my HEART, so that's what makes it feel THRILLING.
ME: Wait, Madeleine, what is she really loving in her heart?
MADELEINE: Ghostes with it.  With her FEELING to it.

As always, Madeleine is speaking with perfect clarity and utmost rational sense.

Danielle thrilling about ghostes.

I finally now have proof that Madeleine lives in her own universe, as today I accidentally disturbed said universe.  Coming into a dark dining room to stretch after finishing a long run, I flicked the light switch on and sat down in the Cobbler's Pose.  Madeleine came running in from the living room to reprimand me.

MADELEINE: Mama!  Wait!  I want this to be a UNIVERSE!  And the universe is DARK!
ME: Oh.  Sorry.
MADELEINE: But Mama.  Why did you want to MESS UP my universe?

I had no good answer for her.  How could I not have realized that a dark dining room was supposed to be a universe?  Where was my brain?  Maybe I was mentally off in Japan, aka in a different WORLD, with Julia's models.

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