Friday, June 7, 2013

Bedtime Questions

Last night I was back with my old buddy Madeleine for bedtime.  While she followed her usual routine of falling asleep in my arms, she was EXTRA full of deep, philosophical questions and took a longer time than usual settling herself.

Among the MANY questions asked of me last night were:

"Mama?  Why is the versery SO, SO much bigger than people?"

"Mama?  What letter does 'DOCTOR' rhyme with?"

"Mama?  Why when plants DIE, why do they go like this?" (sitting up and drooping forward) "With their HEADS DOWN like this?"

"Mama?  Why did dinosaurs DIE?"

"Mama?  Why is there no food in Heaven?"

"Mama?  When is my HEAD going to grow BIGGER?"

No matter how concisely I tried to answer each question, there was yet another one waiting to be asked, often having absolutely no relation to the question to which I had just given an answer.

In other words, we are DEEP into the thick of the 3-year-old "Why" phase.

Meanwhile, Julia got to sleep with relative ease after Ethan finished up with her, and was ready to head into school for M(ismatch) Day.  She was okay with her mismatched patterns on her clothes, but when I tried to suggest she wear two different shoes for fun, I *clearly* crossed a line.  Julia absolutely could not handle the idea of wearing mismatched shoes, because "I don't think we're SUPPOOOOSED to wear TWO DIFFERENT SHOES at our school!"

Pardon me for trying to introduce a little fun into my total rule-follower.

So we headed off to kindergarten with Julia in her mismatched clothes:

While Madeleine, as you can see, opted to wear gardening gloves, because, let's face it: gardening gloves are really the kind of accessory that go with ANY outfit:

The gardening gloves proved a bit too inconvenient for the kindergarten book fair, which we stayed for, so Madeleine ultimately ditched them in order to easily turn pages in the books we browsed.

In light of her many, many questions about the versery, I purchased this book just for her:

I have a feeling it may be her choice for bedtime reading tonight...

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