Monday, February 25, 2013

Pee-Pees and Plans

This is the conversation I had with Madeleine this morning after she got off the potty:

MADELEINE: Mom!  My pee-pees were YELLOW!
ME: I see!
MADELEINE: Mom?  Are pee-pees SUPPOSED to be yellow?
ME: Yes.  They are.  That's what color pee is.
MADELEINE: Yeah!  And Mom?  Are pee-pees supposed to be orange and brown and green and BLUE?
ME: No.  Pee is yellow.  But sometimes it can look white.
MADELEINE: Yeah!  And sometimes it can look orange and brown and green and BLUE!

Glad I cleared that up for her.

I'm not surprised she's confused on the color of pee, given her fascination with my "red pee-pees" when it's that time of the month.  In fact, she is willing to attribute anything red in the toilet to me even when it ISN'T that time of the month.  As was the case the other day, when Julia was freaking out about a miniscule red fleck in the toilet that she was afraid to flush down.

JULIA: Daddy?  Can you come and look in the toilet?  I feel like I see a RED thing!
ETHAN: Julia.  It's fine.  There's nothing to worry about.  Just go potty.
JULIA: Well, it just looks like there's a little red thing.
MADELEINE: Julia!  The red thing is just MOMMY'S BLOOD.

Meanwhile, Julia, in typical fashion, is on a SERIOUS roll with her birthday party plans.  She decided to add items to her goody bags after all, despite the fulfillment of every wish found in the stapled paper necklaces.   Now the lucky party guests are recipients of various shapes, cut out of paper and decorated, which Julia has dubbed "Silly Blocks."  Not only that, but the goody bags also include a paper guitar for each guest.  No.  Way!

Furthermore, Julia has decided to enhance her printer-paper napkins EVEN MORE by writing a joke on the back of each one.  These hilarious works of comedic genius include:
Q: How do you give a bull food?
A: By hiding

Q: How can you be born?
A: By your one true love

Q: How can you get what you want?
A: By love

This is *seriously* looking to be the poshest party that ever was.  Julia can hardly wait the 9 months until the big day.

ME: Julia, are you excited to go back to school and see all your friends again?
JULIA: Well, Mommy, I might just be excited mostly about my BIRTHDAY PARTY.

How will she contain her excitement over these 9 months?  Hopefully, between her library plans and her movie shooting schedule, she'll be able to focus her creative energies on other tasks and keep herself preoccupied.  I can already tell it's going to be a long 9 months, however, as Julia announced to me this morning, "Mom, isn't it kind of funny, that, like, I'm DESPERATE for it to be my birthday, and you're DESPERATE for it to NOT be your birthday?"

It's true that the further I get into my 30s, the less excited I feel to turn just another year older.  But perhaps if I sat down and colored some napkins, guitars, Silly Blocks, and paper bracelets, I would be a lot more invested in my next one.

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