Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Gift and Another Book

I woke up this morning to yet ANOTHER Valentine gift; one that Julia forgot to give to me yesterday.

It came in this fancy packaging:

And while it might appear that my gift was a box of crayons, to my huge surprise, something totally different was inside the box.  I am now the lucky owner of this fortune-cookie-like slip of paper with the following indecipherable message:

Luckily, I had Julia to translate for me: "There's a sparkle in your eyes." 
Aww.  So sweet.  Am I the luckiest mommy around, or what?

Now, just in case you're worrying that Julia has been too busy making Valentines to publish any new books, let me assure you that Julia wrote not one but TWO books this very morning.

My favorite of these new books is entitled:

"Singing out lowd roce."
And by "lowd" she would mean "loud."
And by "roce" she would mean "rock."

Pg. 1:
"Hi I'm the letre H and I'm singing in a band."
What is this, Sesame Street?!?

Pg. 2:
"My frens Y and Z are singing to."
JULIA: Mom?  Y might be a boy or might be a girl, but Z is DEFINITELY a girl.

Pg. 3
"They are the same calr so they are my matse."
Translation: "They are the same color so they are my mates."
Wait a minute.  They're mates because they're the same color?  Who knew that H was such a racist?

Pg. 4
"Then we hafe to rehrse."
JULIA: Mommy?  Do you see what Y is doing?
ME: Uh...singing, right?
JULIA: (making an "O" mouth) Going like this!  Well...he MIGHT be singing. DOES say we have to REHEARSE.

I'm gathering that Y is the lead singer, since all the other two letters seem to be doing is smiling blissfully while Y yodels away.

Pg. 5
"I thingk we are almost retey."

Pg. 6
"Sade Y."
Oh, phew.  I'm glad the author cleared that up.  I was going crazy wondering which letter it was who sade we are almost retey.

Pg. 7
"Now we need to sete up the staje."
The staje looks great, guys!

Pg. 8
"Now we will strt to sing."
Yep, definitely looks like Y is the lead singer.  But now I've changed my mind about H and Z.  This time they're actually singing, too, although not as wide-mouthed as Y, so I'm guessing they're back-up singers.

Pg. 9
"Yay we did are showe."
Hooray!  Yay yay yay! 
It was an AMAZING showe.  Great job, H, Y and Z!  Bravo, matse!

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