Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Last night, Julia was proudly showing Ethan and I the page she had colored in one of her workbooks. When I exclaimed that I couldn't believe she had colored the whole page by herself, she responded, "Yeah, I resisted that I could color the whole thing by myself, without even having a grown-up helping!"

Today she played a very elaborate bath game, in which she was Losagna, a girl who always wants to be in the water. Her bed is even in the water, and she wears her blanket (played by a washcloth) on her head. She has a brother named Lousagna, and they want to get married, because their names both have a "sagna" in them. I resisted on taking a picture of Julia as Losagna with her blanket on her head:

1 comment:

  1. I think she DESERVED to resist on coloring the whole page without a grown up.
