Monday, July 19, 2010

Losagna and Lousagna get new names

JULIA: (from the bathtub) Mommy, Louisa doesn't usually have a pillow in her bed.
ME: Oh, she isn't Losagna anymore?
JULIA: No. Losagna is Louisa now, and, um, Lousagna got changed to Max.
ME: Oh, I see.
JULIA: Yeah, their mommy and daddy knew that they liked water, so they changed their names.
ME: Okay, Louisa and Max.
JULIA: Yeah. Okay Mommy, I'll tell you the whole story. It was raining in their house, and Louisa CHASED the thunder and the lightning up to her room. Then they had a flood in their house!
ME: But wait, why did the mommy and daddy change their names?
JULIA: Because Louisa chased the thunder and lightning up her room.
ME: Oh. Okay.
JULIA: Louisa isn't, really, like, a good girl, because she cooks the meals, serves the breakfast, and, like, eats in bed! She wasn't really listening to her mommy and daddy, and she ran out the door, and she let the thunder and lightning in her house! So she chased it up to her room, and her mommy said, "Louisa and Max! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" And then Louisa explains what happened. She said that it was raining in the house and that it was going into the corner and instead she chased it up her room. That's not a very good thing to do if Louisa isn't listening to her mommy and daddy. That would just be silly if she let the thunder and lightning come into her house! So they said "We'll just change your name!"
ME: Hmm. Okay.
JULIA: Her mommy was like, "Louisa, clean up your room!" and Louisa did, and she said, "Mommy, I'll never do that again."

And that seems to be the end of the story... at least for today.

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