Sunday, April 21, 2019

Palm Sunday

Today is Easter for most of the Christian world, but for we Orthodox, it is Palm Sunday

Madeleine CAN. NOT. HANDLE. the fact that all mainstream organizations refer to today as Easter.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  I am VERY, VERY mad at Google. It says that today is Easter, but it doesn't say it's Palm Sunday if you're Greek Orthodox.

Get it together, Google.  What is your problem?!?

During our Palm Sunday service, the girls stood with me in choir, since there was no Sunday School.  Julia was not keen on joining me and wanted to sit in her usual Sunday School pew even if there were no other kids sitting there.  Madeleine happily joined in singing, although she did feel the need to whisper some important questions to me throughout the service, like this one:

MADELEINE: (pointing to the text on one of the pages from my choir book) Mommy?  Is this Times, or Times New Roman?
ME: Uhh...

This afternoon and evening, the girls have enjoyed all kinds of activities, from watching TV to playing Mario Kart to walking to the playground.  They are currently in the backyard, enjoying the spring time weather.  Julia has been galloping and Madeleine is singing some made-up song do loudly I can hear it from inside the house.

Happy Easter, Passover, and Palm Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Psalm Sunday! Yes, Orthodox Christians are used to following the old calendar for this important day!
