Thursday, January 21, 2016

More Musings

Random musings from Madeleine at bedtime:

MADELEINE: Mama?  You can still kiss someone if they're DEAD,'s in your MIND, so you can just keep kissing them forever and ever.
ME: (having no idea what she's talking about) Yeah, you're right.
MADELEINE: Mama?  I'm GLAD that Daddy has a big tummy, because if he ever got a tummy, like, the size of OURS, I would be really sad!
ME: Oh yeah?  Why do you love Daddy's tummy so much?
MADELEINE: Well...because...well, it LOOKS good.  And there's just something really SPECIAL about it.
ME: Does it make Daddy extra cozy to snuggle with?  Because he's got a nice cushion for a tummy?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Well...PROBABLY.  Well...I guess so.  Well...not really.  It's just...there's just something really SPECIAL about it.

I think that Ethan feels an entirely different sentiment about his belly, but at least he can take comfort in the fact that Madeleine has a special place in her heart for Daddy's big tummy.  (And I have to agree with Madeleine that Daddy looks good.  I have no problems with the way my handsome husband appears.)

And then there's this kid:

ME: Julia, I'm reading this really cool book right now about the sport of freediving.  In freediving, people see how far below the ocean they can go while just holding their breath.  The people can hold their breath for, like, ten minutes!
JULIA: (not impressed) Lilly Mintz can hold her breath for two hours!

Well, pshaw.  If Lilly Mintz can hold her breath for that long, who the heck do these freediving competitors think they are??  Not a prayer, guys.  Not.  A.  Prayer.

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