Monday, March 16, 2015

Harry Potter Quiz

Over the weekend, Julia desperately wanted to try taking a BuzzFeez-like quiz to determine "Which Harry Potter Character Are You?" 

The first quiz that I found was obviously intended for adults, leaving Julia to take wild stabs in the dark for her answers, as she was unfamiliar with most of the answer options to each question.  I knew when she randomly selected "Silence of the Lambs" as her favorite movie from the choices given that this was not going to be the most accurate quiz result.  (She also opted for "Game of Thrones" as her favorite tv show.)

So, I know you are all waiting with bated breath to find out WHICH HARRY POTTER CHARACTER Julia actually is.

Voila!  She's: .....GRAWP?!?

Yeah.  As I said, not the most accurate quiz given Julia's blind-guess answers.

Julia was a bit let-down to be a character so different from those she obsesses over, but luckily Auntie Shannon found a kid-geared "Who Is Your Best Friend From Harry Potter" quiz.

Julia's result?  Ginny.  That's RIIIIGHT, Julia and Ginny Weasley are BFFs!

Julia was ecstatic.  It was if the weight of the whole world rested on the answer to this quiz.  She begged for a few minutes of gallop time before bed, exclaiming, "I need to gallop because I'm just SO HAPPY that I got GINNY!"

Move over, Mintz.  We all know what Julia was thinking about during THAT gallop time: her fantasy life as Ginny Weasley's best friend, gallivanting about the halls of Hogwarts between Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts classes, playing Quidditch together, discussing their crush on Harry Potter.  No wonder she was so delighted.

In fact, Julia couldn't shake her quiz results from her mind even as I read her a completely different fantasy book for her bedtime story.  About once per page there was an irrelevant interruption, like this:

JULIA: Mommy?
ME: Hang on, let me finish reading this sentence.  (completing the sentence) Okay.  What?
JULIA: I'm just SO HAPPY that I got GINNY!


JULIA: Mommy?
ME: Uh, yes?
JULIA: You know WHY I'm so happy I got Ginny?  Because she's my SECOND FAVORITE character.


JULIA: Mommy?
ME: Yes?
JULIA: But how do you think I even GOT Ginny?

That seals it.  That quiz was the rock-solid proof that Julia belongs in the Harry Potter world.  As if we didn't all know that already.

Grawp and Ginny, BFFs for life!

1 comment:

  1. Good blog... I found some interesting information on Harry Potter here. I also want to share info on Harry Potter class quiz.
