Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Second Grade!

When I started this blog, Julia was a mere three years old. 

Today was the first day of school for my great big SECOND-GRADER!:

She was SO EXCITED.  She took her skipping-off-ahead-of-us on our walk to a WHOLE new level.  She was literally multiple blocks ahead of us by the time she turned back to say something to me.  I saw her little figure way far ahead looking around in confusion, then stopping to wait for us slow-pokes who chose NOT to skip they whole way to school.

Things were off to a great start when the 2nd graders filed into the gym to line up by teacher.  It was so noisy and hot in there that the kids were all kind of out of it.

JULIA'S TEACHER: (approaching Julia with her clipboard) And what's your name?
JULIA: (smiling bewilderedly) Um, GOOD.

NAILED it on the first question posed by the teacher.  Go Jules!  Man, I expected 2nd grade would bring some stumper questions for the class, but I never imagined "what's your name?" would be one Julia would fail at.

As I expected, Madeleine was in pretty serious Julia withdrawal, and was asking as early as 9am if it was time to go pick up Julia from school.  To mitigate her longing for Julia, Madeleine decided to make a book for her sister.  According to Madeleine, it's a "My Little Pony" book, although it doesn't seem to follow the plot of any "My Little Pony" episodes that I know of. 

It starts off innocently enough, with some happy, flying pegasus ponies:

But before long things started getting out of hand.  Here, the ponies seem to be staring in utter confusion, with one demonic red-eyed pony amongst them:

Next thing I knew, the ponies appeared to be doing ballet:

And then ALL chaos broke loose:

I don't even know WHAT is supposed to be going on in the above picture.

At any rate, I hope that Julia likes her first-day-of-school book from her sister!  Pony Pandemonium: a gift for the brand-new second-grader!

1 comment:

  1. The ballet picture is pretty good!! I'm impressed with that!

    I wish I could've seen her furrowing eyebrows while she worked on that last picture though, I can only imagine how hard they were working!

    Also - i yie yie Goolia. At least she didn't say "Qwaquee Clark!"
