Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Random Remarks

Random Madeleine remarks from the past 24 hours:


In the middle of dinner last night:

MADELEINE: Mama?  Ernie is kind of...EXCITED, and Bert is just kind of TIRED.
ME: Oh.
MADELEINE: Well, not TIRED, but just...just...just...

She never did complete that thought.  I'm not even sure where the whole thing came from in the first place.  Had we been discussing anything even REMOTELY related to Ernie and Bert at dinner?  Nope.  Have the kids watched anything "Sesame Street"-related lately?  Nope.  No clue what could have been going through Madeleine's mind.


Getting into the shower after Free Swim today:

MADELEINE: Mama?  I feel like...my BRAIN is gonna fall off.

I, personally, feel like her brain is going to explode, rather than fall off, from the constant influx of highly imaginative, completely random thoughts and ideas.


While playing with the play-kitchen today:

MADELEINE: (forlornly) Mama?  No one will sell my money.
ME: What money?
MADELEINE: The money that I'm trying to SELL.  Mama?  Would YOU like to help me sell my money?
ME: Who are you trying to sell your money to?
MADELEINE: Uh, I'm trying to sell it to the people who don't HAVE any money.  Here Mama.  I'll go get my money for you and you can try to sell it.  (scampering off, and returning a moment later with a plastic play-milk carton.)  Here's my money jar Mama!

I wonder how she expects the people with no money to actually pay for the money that she is selling.


After tiring of the "selling money" game, Madeleine decided to sell something less abstract in her play kitchen.

MADELEINE: Cupcakes for sale!  Mama?  Can you come buy a cupcake?
ME: Why don't you go ask Julia?
MADELEINE: Julia!  Cupcakes for sale!  FREE cupcakes for sale!

And now we've done a full reversal.  What should the people buying cupcakes give in exchange for the cupcake if the cupcakes that are for sale are free??

Yikes.  This is enough thought-twisting, mind-teasing confusion that I'm pretty sure that MY brain is going to fall off.


  1. I mean, she's kind of right about Ernie and Bert.

  2. I guess the people with no money" knew Madeleine business sales plan - FREE! One Madeleine solved.
