Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bedtime for Madeleine

I don't think that bedtime for Madeleine could not have followed a more ridiculous path tonight, even if I'd done something wild and crazy. 

After reading her the three books she had picked out, and enduring various melt-downs over such matters as a) she wanted a fourth book, and I said no, b) she needed me to change out of my dress and into my pajamas before she could go to sleep, c) she needed me to clip my hangnail before she could go to sleep, and d) she needed a band-aid on an old cut on her knee, she then finally settled into her pre-sleep snuggles with me.  Both of my children have the compulsive need to fondle something with their fingers in order to fall asleep; in tonight's case, Madeleine decided to alternate between a mole on my shoulder and the pimple on my chin.  Yes, I must admit, I stooped to the level of allowing her to play with a pimple on my chin in order to get sleepy.  What we won't do in order to assure our kids get the heck to sleep...

When she was drowsy but not fully asleep, I bid her good-night and left.  Several minutes later, I heard loud thumping coming from the wall that she shares with Ethan's &  my bedroom.  I found her hard at play with her pretend tool kit, and told her to get back in bed.

Another epic melt-down...

Then, I had her back in bed and starting to fondle my mole once again.

MADELEINE: (touching my mole) Mommy?  What's THAT?
ME: That's a mole.
ME: That's a mole, honey.
ME: It's a mole.  It's right next to the strap of my dress.
MADELEINE: Oh.  It's a mole.

Several minutes of silence, in which I optimistically wondered if she had fallen asleep.

MADELEINE: No, Mommy, that's your jammies.
ME: You're right.  That's my jammies.
MADELEINE: Mommy, that's NOT your dress.
ME: You're right.  I forgot that I changed out of my dress.

More mole fondling, followed by big yawns and fluttering eyelids.  Stillness, eyes remained closed, I once again hopefully considered the idea that she had fallen asleep.

MADELEINE: (eyes flying open) Mommy, you just don't eat kids.
ME: No.  I don't eat kids.
MADELEINE: (eyes drooping closed, silence, stillness.)

And with that, she was asleep.  

1 comment:

  1. Courtney. BAHAHAHAHA you weren't kidding about what a pip she's been lately!! I yie yie! At least Poopy Uncle Pants didn't show up. Then the party really would've been started!
