Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Observation of the Day

MADELEINE: (pointing to my empty, disposable contact container on the bathroom counter) Mommy, what's THAT thing?
ME: That's my contact case.
MADELEINE: No, THAT'S not your contact case!

She is very well aware of my usual blue contact case in which I store my lenses every night.  In fact, I remember her being eight or nine months old and crawling into the bathroom, pulling up on the counter, and proceeding to touch the right side of the blue case, touch her right eyeball, then follow suit with the left side and eyeball.  Therefore, she was understandably incredulous about the plastic disposable container, out of which I had just retrieved a brand new lens, since it varied from my regular storing case.

ME: No, that is my contact case.  It's where I got my new contact lens from.
MADELEINE: (continuing to stare at the plastic case, then suddenly breaking into a knowing smile) Oh!  It's berry like a POTTY!

Glad she sorted through her confusion.

It's berry like a potty!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can just picture that entire scenario. She's berry smart.
