I don't know about you, but I think the purple sunglasses totally make the whole outfit work.
Not only is she a fashion aficionado, but she really knows her music, too. Just as she loves to announce, from the backseat of the car, each track that begins on whatever CD we're listening to ("Whicher Cordy, Mom!" "Leaves that are Green, Mom!" "Two Little Blackbirds, Mom!"), she enjoyed identifying the main musical motif from Beethoven's 5th Symphony this morning. I had put the symphony on as she sat playing with blocks in the living room, and had no idea she was playing particular attention to the music as it played in the background. However, as the symphony progressed, then returned to the main theme again, I was suddenly aware that she had indeed been taking the music in. (For any fellow music dorks out there, I'm talking about the end of the exposition, taking the repeat back to the very beginning of the symphony. For non-music dorks, you are probably still familiar with the very famous main theme of the 5th Symphony, so you can most likely still picture the music I'm talking about.) Hearing the main theme begin again, she joyfully announced, "Dun-dun-dun-DUN, Mom!" When the first movement was over, she gave her usual car CD track request: "That one AGAIN?"
She even went so far as to compose her own song today, while she twirled around holding Dora Mermaid in a pretend-play reverie. I grabbed my video camera towards the end of her singing, but was still able to capture some of the musical magic, despite her temporary distraction as a UPS (or, in her words, "CVS") truck drove by outside our house):
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