POP! Goes the Madeleine!
Although Madeleine didn't refer to it as a box. It was her home. She occasionally rented out a room to Julia too:
Unfortunately, today being Saturday, Madeleine's home was recycled and taken to the dump on our routine weekend errand run. She'll have to make do with the other house she lives in instead.
One of our other Saturday routines, as many of you know, is to pick up bagels in the morning and have family breakfast. After coming into our room to wake us up this morning, Julia decided to be kind and go hang out downstairs by herself so that we could lay in bed longer (Awake: me. Asleep: Ethan.) When I got down, Julia could hardly contain her excitement at having another person to chatter to, and babbled away to me as I was in the bathroom.
"Mama, did you think when you got up that you would find me in my room? Were you SO SURPRISED to find me already downstairs? Mama, I was trying to get everything all ready, and I was getting myself some Golden Grahams, then I was, like, smacking myself in the head, because today's a weekend and we're going to get BAGELS."
I truly appreciate her independence and initiative-taking. It would have been even better if she hadn't felt the need to wake me up before going off to be independent, though.
After our bagels and dump trip, we did our family shop at Trader Joe's. The girls were lucky enough to receive St. Patrick's Day stickers in the check-out line. I guess Madeleine didn't want to be outdone by Julia's model fame, because she decided to get really decorative with the stickers once we got home:
I don't know about you, but I think she ROCKS the stickers-on-the-face look.
Stickers on the toilet! A real original pose!! XOXO, Love Yiyia