My trusty tour-guide.
First stop was the Mint household, home of the oft-mentioned Sarah Mint, (sometimes referred to as Mintz in my past Little People posts, but Julia was sure to correct me on that) among many others. As Julia described it to me, Pilot Paula and Police Officer Patrick are the mommy and daddy of the household. Grandmother and Grandfather live there too, because, in their poor elderly misfortune, they don't have a house of their own, so they have to live with their daughter and her family:
Back row, left: Heads of Household Police Officer Patrick and Pilot Paula
Back row, right: Grandfather and Grandmother
Front row, left to right: Offspring Sonya Lee, Sarah, Baby Madeleine, and Maggie.
Next stop on our tour was Princess Mia's house. Now, I must point out, Princess Mia used to live with her parents, Cartacarizza and Project Daddy, but now that she grew up, she lives on her own. Princess Mia is 33, and her parents are 34 and 35, so I guess puberty hits the Little People much earlier than it does us regular folk. Princess Mia is far from her glory days in the castle with her royal parents, as she is now a single mother of 8, one of whom is a monkey. When I asked Julia who is the daddy of all the kids, she responded, as if I were a little thick, "Mom! She didn't get MARRIED!"
Princess Mia and her brood of children: Dora, Sonya Lee, Baby Laurie, Boots, Laurie, Scott, Michael, and Sarah Bohan (not to be confused with Sarah Mint.)
Onward to visit Princess Mia's parents, who are busy with a whole new flock of children. Apparently Project Daddy and Cartacarizza were empty-nesting; since Princess Mia's departure, they have added four new kids to their family. They have also left the comfort of their royal abode and now live in the spooky environment of the haunted Halloween house. They have CLEARLY traded up.
Back row: Parents Project Daddy and Cartacarizza
Front row, left to right: Elina, Maggie, Maggie, and ZeeZee.
The final spot was the barn, which is home to Patrick Oldon and his family. Patrick's father is not a farmer, but rather a bus driver. Their home must be a converted barn, seeing as there are neither farmers nor animals at their house.
From left to right: Patrick, Michael, Sonya Lee, Michael's twin brother Michael, mother Sonya Lee (red hat), Eddie (blonde hair), and the father, Bus Driver.
The Little People regularly all convene in some central location, taking their various vehicles to the appointed place. Usually the place they all meet is school, since all of the kids, even the babies, go to school, and there is only one teacher, who happens to be Princess Mia. Oddly, Project Daddy, Cartacarizza and family do not take the royal coach to school, but rather a tractor. Since their father is a bus driver, the barn folk do not have a tractor but instead take the school bus to get from here to there. Princess Mia's one remaining vestige of her royal upbringing is her royal coach, which she uses for transportation. And the Mint family takes the old reliable purple minivan, which is most fitting with the household from which they come.
After my tour, I must conclude that the Little People town is a delightful place to be. Come and visit anytime!
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