Thursday, May 26, 2011

Conversations overheard

This week I've had the pleasure of overhearing little snippets of the girls' conversations with friends. One such conversation was adorably sweet, and the other... well, not so much, but it was still pretty amusing.

While I was teaching piano lessons to the three older siblings of one of Julia's friends, Julia and said friend were off galavanting around the house, and every few minutes, Julia would run into the room I was teaching in, wrap her arms around me, and then run off back to her friend. After one such sneak attack hug, I heard the friends talking in adjacent room.

FRIEND: Why do you love your mom so much?
JULIA: Because! My mommy is sooooo special to me, and I just never ever want a baby-sitter, I only want my mommy!

The girls then lapsed into silence as they resumed traipsing about, then picked their conversation back up as they climbed up into stools at the kitchen counter to eat a snack:

FRIEND: Do you have a dad?
JULIA: Mmm-hmm. He's at work.

Madeleine is obviously not at the same level of sophisticated conversation, but she has a little friend at the Creative Movement center with whom she frequently babbles as they play together. While Julia and the older brother of this little friend are in gymnastics class, the toddlers often gravitate towards each other, and using the mommies as go-betweens when needed, they have been making the first attempts towards conversing. For example, during today's gymnastics class:

FRIEND: (trying to lug a kiddie chair over to the table Madeleine is standing at) I'll get her a chair to sit in!
MADELEINE: (completely oblivious to the whole chair ordeal)
FRIEND: (continuing to lug the chair, somehow hurting herself)
MADELEINE: (running to me) Mommy! Baby a conk a finger!
ME: (to friend) Are you okay?
FRIEND'S MOM: There's honesty for you.
FRIEND: Mommy! I want the baby to sit in this chair!
ME: Madeleine, do you want to sit in this chair?
MADELEINE: Mmm-hmm! (plopping her bum down on the seat.)
FRIEND: (getting another chair and placing it next to Madeleine's.)
MADELEINE: (obviously not getting the fact that her friend is already sitting in a chair, runs off to get another chair and struggles to pull it over.) A help a chair?
ME: We don't need another chair.
MADELEINE: Aunt chair a baby!
ME: You want to get a chair for the baby because she got one for you?
MADELEINE: (brightly) Uh-huh!
ME: (to friend) Do you want to sit in this chair that Madeleine got for you?
FRIEND: Uh-huh.
TODDLERS: plonk themselves back in the chairs and turn to smile at each other.

Yeah. So, as I said before, a little ways to go before reaching the level of sophistication of Julia's conversations with friends...

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